I'm not having the same luck as MarcusZ - I still get the height issue mentioned below when running with SmartClient 8.2 01-25-2013
Originally posted by acarur01
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SmartClient 8.2p 01-23-2013 build
While trying to reproduce another FF18 issue, I was able to reproduce the last issue I mentioned. I ran this testcase with the datasource in isomorphic/system/reference/SmartClient_Explorer.html#nodeTitles
If you run the testcase, you'll see that 'innerLayout' height is expanded beyond what the dynamic form takes up.
While trying to reproduce another FF18 issue, I was able to reproduce the last issue I mentioned. I ran this testcase with the datasource in isomorphic/system/reference/SmartClient_Explorer.html#nodeTitles
If you run the testcase, you'll see that 'innerLayout' height is expanded beyond what the dynamic form takes up.
isc.ClassFactory.defineClass("CwMenuItem", "CanvasItem"); isc.CwMenuItem.addProperties({ init:function () { var canvasProperties = { ID: this.widgetID, title: this.menuTitle, name: this.name, canFocus: this.canFocus, shouldSaveValue: false, $cwname: this.$cwname, showDown: this.showDown, showFocused: this.showFocused, showEmptyMessage: false, showRollOver: this.showRollOver, labelVar: this.labelVar, iconVar: this.iconVar, iconWidth: this.iconWidth, iconHeight: this.iconHeight, align: this.menuAlign, showMenuButtonImage: this.showMenuButtonImage, showMenuBelow: true, $cwmethod: this.$cwmethod, click: this.cwClick, auditor: this.auditor, menu: this.menu, prompt: this.prompt, form: this.form, visibility: this.visibility, $cwValidate: this.$cwValidate, hide: function(){ this.parentElement.hideItem(this.name); // this.Super("hide", null); } }; if (this.width != null) canvasProperties.width = this.width; if (this.height != null) canvasProperties.height = this.height; if (this.tabIndex == -1) canvasProperties.tabIndex = -1; if (this.accessKey != null) canvasProperties.accessKey = this.accessKey; if (this.hiliteAccessKey != null) canvasProperties.hiliteAccessKey = this.hiliteAccessKey; if (this.keyTitle != null) canvasProperties.keyTitle = this.keyTitle; if (this.autoFit != null) { canvasProperties.autoFit = this.autoFit; if (this.autoFit == true) canvasProperties.overflow = "visible"; } if (this.iconOnRight != null) canvasProperties.iconOnRight = this.iconOnRight; if (this.hoverStyle != null) canvasProperties.hoverStyle = this.hoverStyle; if (this.hoverWidth != null) canvasProperties.hoverWidth = this.hoverWidth; if (this.customStyle != null) canvasProperties.customStyle = this.customStyle; if (this.baseStyle != null) canvasProperties.baseStyle = this.baseStyle; this.canvas = isc.MenuButton.create(canvasProperties); return this.Super("init", arguments); } }); isc.ClassFactory.defineClass("CwDynamicFormExtend", "DynamicForm"); isc.CwDynamicFormExtend.addProperties({ setItems: function(itemList){ if(this.$cwCellBorderStyle!=null){ var i = 0; var length = itemList.length; for(i=0;i<length;i++){ var currentField = itemList.get(i); var currentCellStyle = currentField.cellStyle; if(currentCellStyle=="formCell" || currentCellStyle == null){ currentField.cellStyle = this.$cwCellBorderStyle; } } } this.Super("setItems", [itemList]); }, showContextMenu: function() { var item = this.getFocusItem(); if (item != null && item.cwDisablePaste) return false; return this.Super("showContextMenu", arguments); }, titleSuffix:" ", rightTitlePrefix:" ", requiredTitleSuffix: "*</B>", requiredRightTitleSuffix: "*</B>", requiredRightTitlePrefix: "<B> " }); isc.VLayout.create({ ID:"outerLayout", autoDraw: true, height: "100%", members:[] }) isc.Button.create({ left: 500,title: "create and show", click: function(){ isc.TreeGrid.create({ ID: "employeeTree", width: 500, height: 400, dataSource: "employees", autoFetchData:true, nodeIcon:"icons/16/person.png", folderIcon:"icons/16/person.png", showOpenIcons:false, showDropIcons:false, closedIconSuffix:"", fields: [ {name: "Name", formatCellValue: "record.Job+': '+value"} ] }); isc.VLayout.create({ ID:"innerLayout", members:[ isc.CwDynamicFormExtend.create({ ID:"menuForm", fields: [ {_constructor:"CwMenuItem", title:"Hide Menu", name: "hideMenu"} ] }) ] }); outerLayout.addMember(innerLayout); outerLayout.addMember(employeeTree); } })