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    Setting Checkbox in ListGrid Using Y/N Values

    Hi, I'm trying to set checkbox values in a grid using "Y" and "N" values obtained from a database. We're not using the SmartClient server so cannot use the sqlStorageStrategy value. We're trying to use valueMaps on the checkboxes and we've been able to get them working on a form, but not in a grid. There are no javascript errors or warnings listed in the developer console.

    We're using SmartClient version: "v11.0p_2016-11-15/LGPL Deployment".
    I'm testing with Chrome: Version 69.0.3497.100 (Official Build) (64-bit)

    In our sample form the checkbox chkFormYN works, but the checkboxes in the grid column chkGridYesNo do not load their values correctly.
        var dsForm = isc.RestDataSource.create({
            fields: [
                    // Checkbox with values loaded from Y/N source.
                    name: "chkFormYN"
                    , type: "text"
                    , length: "1"
                    , editorType: "CheckboxItem"
                    , valueMap: { "Y": true, "N": false }
            dataFormat: "json",
            dataURL: "form_data.json"
        var form = isc.DynamicForm.create({
            name: "formID"
            , dataSource: dsForm
            , width: 300
            , height: 40
            , fields: [
                    name: "chkFormYN"
                    , type: "boolean"
                    , title: "Test Chk SQL Y/N"
                    , canEdit: "true"
        var ds = isc.RestDataSource.create({
            fields: [
                { name: "ID", type: "integer", title: "ID", primaryKey: true, canEdit: "true" }
                , {
                    name: "chkGridYesNo"
                    , type: "text"
                    , length: "1"
                    , editorType: "CheckboxItem"
                    , valueMap: { "Y": true, "N": false }
            dataFormat: "json",
            dataURL: "grid_data.json"
        var grid = isc.ListGrid.create({
            dataSource: ds
            , fields:[
                { name: "ID", canEdit: "true" }
                , {
                    name: "chkGridYesNo"
                    , canEdit: "true"
                    , title: "Test Y/N"
                    , type: "boolean"
            , top: 45
            , width: 200
            , height: 150
            , showFilterEditor: true
    Our code loads some json data. I'm not sure if there's an easier way to provide a test case that loads this data without loading separate files. The upload mechanism prohibited .json files so I'll list the data here. First grid_data.json.
              "ID": 1,
              "chkGridYesNo": "Y"
              "ID": 2,
              "chkGridYesNo": "N"
              "ID": 3,
              "chkGridYesNo": "Y"
              "ID": 4,
              "chkGridYesNo": "N"
    Finally form_data.json.
          "data": [
              "chkFormYN": "N"
    Please advise if there's a simpler way for me to provide a demonstration of the problem.

    Hi chriss,

    see the transformResponse attribute when creating the RestDataSource for FETCHes.
    See transformRequest attribute when creating the RestDataSource for ADDs/UPDATEs.

    IMHO this is the correct way in your use case.

    Best regards


      Many thanks Blama. My apologies for the slow reply while I've been trying this out but it looks good so far.

