Hi Isomorphic,
this is what the code from #14 looks like for me in GC70:

Best regards
this is what the code from #14 looks like for me in GC70:
Best regards
isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "itemList", width: 600, height: 600, alternateRecordStyles: true, dataSource: supplyItemWithOps, fetchOperation: "outputsLimitedFetch", autoFetchData: true, canHover: true, showHover: false, fields: [{ name: "itemName" }, { name: "SKU" }, { name: "category" } ], hoverWidth: 500, cellHover: function(record, rowNum, colNum) { x = EventHandler.getX(); y = EventHandler.getY(); isc.logWarn("Hovered: " + rowNum + "/" + colNum); isc.logWarn("Coordinates: " + x + "/" + y); if (record.category != "Pastes and Gum") { w = isc.Window.create({ width: 800, showHeader: false, autoSize: true, autoDraw: false, isModal: true, showModalMask: true, modalMaskOpacity: 60, dismissOnOutsideClick: true, closeClick: function() { this.Super("closeClick", arguments) }, items: [ lg = isc.ListGrid.create({ width: "100%", minHeight: 150, autoDraw: false, showFilterEditor: true, autoFitMaxHeight: 500, autoFetchData: false, autoFitData: "vertical", dataSource: "supplyItemWithOps" }) ] }); lg.fetchData({ category: record.category }, function(dsResponse, data, dsRequest) { w.draw(); w.placeNear(x, y); lg.draw(); }); } } });
isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "itemList", width: 600, height: 600, dataSource: supplyItemWithOps, fetchOperation: "outputsLimitedFetch", autoFetchData: true, canHover: true, showHover: false, fields: [{ name: "itemName" }, { name: "SKU" }, { name: "category" } ], cellHover: function(record, rowNum, colNum) { x = EventHandler.getX(); y = EventHandler.getY(); isc.logWarn("Hovered: " + rowNum + "/" + colNum); isc.logWarn("Coordinates: " + x + "/" + y); if (record.category != "Pastes and Gum") { lg = isc.ListGrid.create({ width: 800, height: 150, left: x, top: y, minHeight: 150, // autoDraw: false, showFilterEditor: true, autoFitMaxHeight: 500, autoFetchData: false, autoFitData: "vertical", dataSource: "supplyItemWithOps", implicitCriteria: { category: record.category }, }); lg.fetchData(null, function(dsResponse, data, dsRequest) { // lg.draw(); lg.placeNear(x, y); lg.showClickMask("lg.markForDestroy()", "hard", lg); }); } } });
isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "itemList", width: 600, height: 600, dataSource: supplyItemWithOps, fetchOperation: "outputsLimitedFetch", autoFetchData: true, canHover: true, showHover: false, fields: [{ name: "itemName" }, { name: "SKU" }, { name: "category" } ], cellHover: function(record, rowNum, colNum) { x = EventHandler.getX(); y = EventHandler.getY(); isc.logWarn("Hovered: " + rowNum + "/" + colNum); isc.logWarn("Coordinates: " + x + "/" + y); if (record.category != "Pastes and Gum") { lg = isc.ListGrid.create({ width: 800, height: 150, left: x, top: y, minHeight: 150, // autoDraw: false, showFilterEditor: true, autoFitMaxHeight: 500, autoFetchData: false, autoFitData: "vertical", dataSource: "supplyItemWithOps", implicitCriteria: { category: record.category }, }); lg.fetchData(null, function(dsResponse, data, dsRequest) { lg.redraw(); lg.placeNear(x, y); lg.showClickMask("lg.markForDestroy()", "hard", lg); }); } } });
[B]topLG[/B] = isc.ListGrid.create({ [B]//ID: "itemList",[/B] [B]popupShown: false,[/B] width: 600, height: 600, dataSource: supplyItemWithOps, fetchOperation: "outputsLimitedFetch", autoFetchData: true, canHover: true, showHover: false, fields: [{ name: "itemName" }, { name: "SKU" }, { name: "category" } ], cellHover: function(record, rowNum, colNum) { x = EventHandler.getX(); y = EventHandler.getY(); isc.logWarn("Hovered: " + rowNum + "/" + colNum); isc.logWarn("Coordinates: " + x + "/" + y); if (record.category != "Pastes and Gum" [B]&& !topLG.popupShown[/B]) { this.popupShown = true; lg = isc.ListGrid.create({ width: 800, height: 150, left: x, top: y, minHeight: 150, // autoDraw: false, showFilterEditor: true, autoFitMaxHeight: 500, autoFetchData: false, autoFitData: "vertical", dataSource: "supplyItemWithOps", implicitCriteria: { category: record.category }, // not applicable: componentMaskDefaults: {opacity:10, backgroundColor:"black"} }); lg.fetchData(null, function(dsResponse, data, dsRequest) { [B]lg.popupShown = true;[/B] lg.redraw(); lg.placeNear(x, y); lg.showClickMask( function() { lg.markForDestroy(); [B]topLG.popupShown = false;[/B] }, [B]"soft"[/B], lg); }); } } });