Hi Isomorphic,
The normal clientside Batch uploader (v11.1p_2018-11-15) has a similar problem like the one reported here.
Please see the 6.1p Batch Uploader sample and the supplyItemTestGood.csv.txt and supplyItemTestBad.csv.txt files.
Linefeeds are uploaded correctly from the good file (like defined here), but empty rows (double-linefeeds) from the bad file are recognized as new data row, which is a bug.
This is a problem here, as a customer wants to upload data exported from a CRM where the comment field has double-linefeeds.

Best regards
The normal clientside Batch uploader (v11.1p_2018-11-15) has a similar problem like the one reported here.
Please see the 6.1p Batch Uploader sample and the supplyItemTestGood.csv.txt and supplyItemTestBad.csv.txt files.
Linefeeds are uploaded correctly from the good file (like defined here), but empty rows (double-linefeeds) from the bad file are recognized as new data row, which is a bug.
This is a problem here, as a customer wants to upload data exported from a CRM where the comment field has double-linefeeds.
isc.BatchUploader.create({ ID:"uploader", height: 400, width: "100%", uploadDataSource: supplyItemCustom, // BatchUploader supports extra fields, which are uploaded along with the file // data and can be accessed from the HttpSession on the server side; here we // define some fields to be used in this way uploadFormFields: [ { name: "stringValue", title: "String Value", type: "text", wrapTitle: false }, { name: "numericValue", title: "Numeric Value", type: "number", wrapTitle: false } ], uploadFormProperties: { titleWidth: 110 // make room for long titles defined above without overflowing }, // We have limited vertical screen space when running in the Feature Explorer, // so we force the embedded grid to be quite short in an attempt to avoid // the need for page scrolling gridProperties: { height: 200 }, gridFields :[ {name:"itemID"}, {name:"itemName", editorType: "TextAreaItem"}, [B]// Adjusted, only relevant change[/B] {name:"SKU"}, {name:"description"}, {name:"category"}, {name:"units"}, {name:"unitCost"}, {name:"inStock"}, {name:"nextShipment"} ] }); isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "partialCommitsForm", items: [ { name:"partialCommits", wrapTitle: false, title:"Partial Commit Mode", type:"select", defaultValue: "prompt", valueMap:{ allow: "Allow", prevent: "Prevent", prompt: "Prompt", retain: "Retain" }, changed : function(form, item, value) { uploader.partialCommit = value; } } ] }); isc.VStack.create({ width:"100%", layoutMargin: 10, membersMargin:10, members:[ partialCommitsForm, uploader ] });
Best regards