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  • Blama
    Hi Isomorphic,

    I could not reproduce right now and it also only happens seldom to me, but I definitely saw it happening here as well.
    My colleague who demos the application can always reproduce in the compiled application after ~25 tries on current MacOS, current Chrome.
    It must somehow be timing related, but I don't know how, yet. Switching Chrome in F12 tools to have a slow connection did not change anything at my system in the application or in the testcase.

    I'll also try my SmartClient testcase at that other machine.

    The code in the sample is correct, right? E.g. the fetchData and then returning the ListGrid synchronously.

    Thank you & Best regards

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  • Isomorphic
    A crashing mouse event handler remains the best explanation we have for such a problem, which we've never seen. There may be some way in which you have masked the error, so remove any customize error handlers, and be sure to check in multiple browsers.

    Let us know if there is some way we can reproduce this.

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  • Blama
    started a topic 6.1p: Hover component won't disappear

    6.1p: Hover component won't disappear

    Hi Isomorphic,

    I'm having the same problem as in this old thread, using latest SmartGWT 6.1p (have been having this for a long time, but only occasionally like in the other thread, but never reported it, as I never got complaints about it until now).
    Is there some other reason you as your #2 in the other thread on why this is happening? I don't have any exceptions in the Developer Console.

    I tried to create a testcase in SmartClient that is very close to my application code in SmartGWT, but the sample does not show the issue, yet. This is my testcase to far, based on this sample:

        ID: "itemList",
        width:500, height:300, 
        // use the supplyItemWithOps dataSource and use it's "outputsLimitedFetch" operation.
        // this demonstrates using "outputs" on an operationBinding to forcibly limit the data 
        // retrieved for each row
        dataSource: supplyItemWithOps,
        autoFetchData: true,
        sortField: "itemName",
        fields: [
            {name: "itemName", showHover: true, showHoverComponents: true},
            {name: "SKU", showHover: true, showHoverComponents: true},
            {name: "category", showHover: true},
            {name: "description", showHover: true, hoverHTML:"return '<b>TITLE: </b>' + record.description"}
        // allow Hovers
        // canHover: true,
        // showHover: true,
        // allow hoverComponents
        // showHoverComponents: true,
        // override the builtin getCellHoverComponent() method so we can return a component of our
        // choosing - in this case, create a DetailViewer, populate it with the entire record from 
        // the server and return it for display
        getCellHoverComponent : function (record, rowNum, colNum) {
            if ("itemName" == this.getFieldName(colNum)) {
                this.rowHoverComponent = isc.ListGrid.create({
                    dataSource: supplyItemWithOps,
                    height: 500,
                    sortField: "itemName"
            this.rowHoverComponent.fetchData({ fieldName: "itemName", operator: "greaterThan", value: "G" }, null, { showPrompt: false} );
            return this.rowHoverComponent;
            else if ("SKU" == this.getFieldName(colNum)) {
                this.rowHoverComponent = isc.ListGrid.create({
                    dataSource: supplyItemWithOps,
                    height: 500,
                    sortField: "itemName"
            this.rowHoverComponent.fetchData({ fieldName: "itemName", operator: "lessThan", value: "G" }, null, { showPrompt: false} );
            return this.rowHoverComponent;
        return this.Super("getCellHoverComponent", record, rowNum, colNum);
    Thank you & Best regards