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    error message: failure to return formatted message

    Hi there,

    We have just upgraded the license and I've now installed smartClient 12.0.

    We are using .dbml, xml, DataSource in our code structure. For example:

    1- in xml file we have:

    <definitionId primaryKey="true" canEdit="false" hidden="true" />
    <name title= "Fee name" />
    <categoryCode title="Category" valueMap="VMapFeeCategory" />
    <totalAmount type="money"/>
    <requiresAdminPrivilage required="false" />
    <paymentPlanTemplate title="Payment Plan" />
    <paymentStatus valueMap="VMapPaymentStatus" canEdit="false" />
    <feeStatus valueMap="VMapFeeStatus" detail="true"/>

    2- In the back-end we use C# and we have:

    private FeeTrackingService()
    : base("fee", "FeeTrackingService", typeof(FeeTrackingDataContext))
    Definitions = new FeeDefinitionDataSource();

    3- In the dbml we have the table and view design for the classes.

    4- The way we call the dataSource in the front-end smartclient is like:

    dataSource: feeDefinitions

    So my question is that when I just started using the new version smartClient js files, the first error I got was "
    The server failed to return a formatted response at all.". So I know it is most probably related to the way our code structure is. Can you please provide any advice?

    Thank you in advance,


    Please post new questions in their own threads with an appropriate title. We have moved this one for you.

    None of the details you posted are needed. What is needed is to look at the response you are sending and whether it matches whatever DataSource definition you're using - there's no way to help until you provide those basics.


      Thank you for your response. I mean we have no issue with the older version the way we have. But since I started using the newest version, once the page is loaded or whenever a page is selected, it shows this " failure to return formatted message" message.


        The first step remains the same.

