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    Note also that, as we said previously, you'll definitely want to set canEdit false on your recordComponent fields - otherwise, editors will appear there, as you can see when running your sample.


      i have retested it today and it shows build 2019-03-14 ... and if you noticed on the video that i posted it shows Build 2019-03-13 ... make sure you are not using the Tahoe skin .. cause Tahoe skin is the only one that does work the rest of the skins fail to save changes.


        We have tested your exact code, without any changes, in both Tahoe and Enterprise, and we see no issues.

        Which actual URL are you hitting?




            i have tested it on another machine and it works fine like you mentioned and had another colleague try it and it works fine as well on his machine ... so i am trying to figure out why it doesn't work on my machine.
            i am using chrome. i cleared all browser cache. i disabled all extensions just in case. none of that helped

            so i tried to make sense of what is happening .. it seems like when ever i go and click on the cell for editing its not exiting out of the edit mode if i click on a different record i have to either hit Enter or Escape button to make the edit box get out of the edit mode and then i can edit another record and so on. so if i keep clicking from one record to another i believe its still thinking that its in edit mode and just loses track of the record. with Enter and Escape i guess it forces it to get out of the edit mode for that record

            i am not 100% sure but that's the behavior i am seeing if i click put a number in hit enter or escape its registering my changes but when i click outside of the edit box its not. i hope this helps

