SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v12.1d_2019-05-02/AllModules Development Only (built 2019-05-02)
Chrome on OSX
Hello, please modify the #notificationsNewSample sample like that:
I've added a window and I've configured it as positionCanvas for the Notify message.
Click send and you'll see that the message Label will slide below the Window.
Chrome on OSX
Hello, please modify the #notificationsNewSample sample like that:
var notifyTypes = ["message", "warn", "error"]; // NotifySettings that won't change should be set up front using configureMessages() (notifyType) { isc.Notify.configureMessages(notifyType, { multiMessageMode: "replace", autoFitMaxWidth: 250, slideSpeed: 250 }); }); // configForm configures the dynamic NotifySettings that will be passed to addMessage() isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "configForm", fields: [ {type:"header", defaultValue: "Configure Notification"}, {name: "text", title:"Message", type:"text", hint: "Type your Message", defaultValue: "Download complete", wrapHintText: false}, {name: "location", title: "Screen Location", editorType: "ComboBoxItem", defaultValue: "T", valueMap: { "L": "left edge", "R": "right edge", "T": "top edge", "B": "bottom edge", "TL": "top-left corner", "TR": "top-right corner", "BL": "bottom-left corner", "BR": "bottom-right corner", "C": "center" }}, {name: "showAnimation", title: "Show Animation", editorType: "ComboBoxItem", wrapTitle: false, defaultValue: "slide", valueMap: ["slide", "fade", "instant"]}, {name: "hideAnimation", title: "Hide Animation", editorType: "ComboBoxItem", wrapTitle: false, defaultValue: "fade", valueMap: ["slide", "fade", "instant"]}, {name: "notifyType", title: "Message Type", editorType: "ComboBoxItem", wrapTitle: false, defaultValue: "message", valueMap: notifyTypes, change : function (form, item, value, oldValue) { // dismiss all messages from old notifyType isc.Notify.dismissMessage(oldValue); } }, {name: "dismiss", type:"checkbox", title: "Add button to immediately dismiss"}, {name: "window", type:"checkbox", title: "Add link to launch a window"} ] }); isc.Button.create({ ID: "sendButton", title: "Send", click: function () { var config = configForm.getValues(), contents = config.text; if (!contents) contents = "You left the message text empty!" var actions = []; if (config.window) { actions.add({ title: "Launch...", target: sendButton, methodName: "showWindow" }); } isc.Notify.addMessage(contents, actions, config.notifyType, { canDismiss: config.dismiss, positionCanvas: testWindow, appearMethod: config.showAnimation, disappearMethod: config.hideAnimation, position: config.location}); }, showWindow : function () { isc.Window.create({ isModal:true, autoSize:true, autoCenter:true, bodyProperties: { defaultLayoutAlign: "center", layoutLeftMargin: 5, layoutRightMargin: 5, layoutBottomMargin: 10 }, showModalMask:true, canDragReposition:false, title:"Notification Action", showMinimizeButton:false, items: [ isc.Label.create({ width: "100%", height: 40, align: "center", wrap: false, contents: "In your application, this window might contain a wizard." }), isc.Img.create({ width: 200, height: 250, src:"other/wizard.png" }) ] }).show(); } }); isc.Window.create({ ID:"testWindow", isModal:true, autoSize:true, autoCenter:true, showModalMask:true, items:[ isc.VLayout.create({ membersMargin: 10, members: [configForm, sendButton] }) ] }).show()
Click send and you'll see that the message Label will slide below the Window.