I am getting errors when trying to load datasources in version 12.1d that are using <groupBy> clauses inside of the operation bindings for fetches. This previously worked in 12.0. Do you know what could be causing this? Looking at the Chome debugger, it looks like the generated field names in the javascript code from the datasource .ds.xml file are missing quotes and that's the issue within the framework?
Changing <groupBy> to <groupClause> in all the datasources isn't a fix since it seems the behavior between the two is different - I guess <groupBy> allowed custom fields to be put in that aren't necessarily in the executed SQL.
My version of SmartGWT:
SNAPSHOT_v12.1d_2019-05-16/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2019-05-16)
Uncaught ReferenceError: PK_Project is not defined
at DataSourceLoader?dataSource=ChipSTA,ChipSTA_Project_Instances,ChipSTA_Project_Corners_Modes,ChipSTA_ChipSummary,ChipSTA_WaiverFiles,ChipSTA_ChipDetails,ChipSTA_ChipDetails_Filters,ChipSTA_ChipDRVDetails,ChipSTA_ChipFloorPlan,ChipSTA_DRV_PVT_Sum,ISO_UIServerCriteria,Email,Users,ChipSTA_Run_PVT_Mode:2
My operation binding looks like this:
Example of issue in Chrome debugger (see area highlighted in red in screenshot)
I am getting errors when trying to load datasources in version 12.1d that are using <groupBy> clauses inside of the operation bindings for fetches. This previously worked in 12.0. Do you know what could be causing this? Looking at the Chome debugger, it looks like the generated field names in the javascript code from the datasource .ds.xml file are missing quotes and that's the issue within the framework?
Changing <groupBy> to <groupClause> in all the datasources isn't a fix since it seems the behavior between the two is different - I guess <groupBy> allowed custom fields to be put in that aren't necessarily in the executed SQL.
My version of SmartGWT:
SNAPSHOT_v12.1d_2019-05-16/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2019-05-16)
Uncaught ReferenceError: PK_Project is not defined
at DataSourceLoader?dataSource=ChipSTA,ChipSTA_Project_Instances,ChipSTA_Project_Corners_Modes,ChipSTA_ChipSummary,ChipSTA_WaiverFiles,ChipSTA_ChipDetails,ChipSTA_ChipDetails_Filters,ChipSTA_ChipDRVDetails,ChipSTA_ChipFloorPlan,ChipSTA_DRV_PVT_Sum,ISO_UIServerCriteria,Email,Users,ChipSTA_Run_PVT_Mode:2
My operation binding looks like this:
<operationBinding operationType="fetch" operationId="fetchChips"> <groupBy>PK_Project,ProjName_Revision,VM_Project,FK_srcProject, HasRunData, Title</groupBy> <orderClause>VM_Project ASC, ProjName_Revision</orderClause> </operationBinding>