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    8.2p Pro Unobfuscated Source Code


    This morning I just downloaded 8.2p Pro (01/25/2013) and can't seem to find the unobfuscated
    version of the source code, which used to be located in the [SDK]/source/client/... folder
    when I used the LGPL version ...

    I tried looking around in the other folders, but couldn't find anything that isn't obfuscated.

    Where are those files? Is it a packaging problem ? Any guidance would be appreciated.

    We need the non obfuscated version when debugging. It comes in quite handy!


    This actually has never been present in Pro builds, only LGPL builds. However, the code is the same except for Charts and code for contacting the SmartClient Server, so it still serves as accurate reference for all almost all features, and can be used as a runtime for apps that don't use our server.


      That's interesting, because the 8.3p Pro build does have the non obfuscated source code bundled inside.

      It's really a shame because we really rely on that when we trace/debug our code, to better
      understand how the framework internally works.

      I'm not sure I'd trust LGPL and Pro to be the same. We've seen issues that were fixed in the obfuscated version
      that weren't in the non obfuscated one, so I'm sure going across LGPL and Pro won't make any of this smoother.

      Any other alternatives ?



        Right, in 8.3 we've introduced source code in Pro builds where commercial pieces are still partly obfuscated but the code that is in common with LGPL is unobfuscated.

        But this was not present in 8.2 or any previous version; there, the closest thing is to use LGPL source (as reference or as a partial runtime).

