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    How to embed SVG code inside TabPane

    I am making a small app for our office internal use as a means of evaluating SmartClient.

    I have a drawing and the svg for it. SVG is made up of multiple images. The svg is attached.

    The main structure of my application is TabSet with 3 tab panes.
    I would like to render that SVG in that pane. I could not find a straight forward way to do this with SmartClient.

    One way using an iFrame inside the pane and rendering SVG inside it but I would rather use this issue as a way to explore SmartClient.
    Attached Files

    You could try to define a widget that displays SVG:

    isc.defineClass("SVG", "Canvas").addProperties({
    	getInnerHTML: function() {
    return "<svg xmlns=\"\" id=\"mainSvg\"></svg>";
    	draw: function() {
    		this.Super("draw", arguments);
    		// for instance: load the SVG here and put it in document.getElementById("mainSvg")
    	redrawOnResize: false
    isc.TabSet.create({ width: "100%", height: "100%", tabs: [ { title: "SVG", pane: isc.SVG.create() } ] });


      Specific code example please..

      Would you please provide a code sample how to load this svg file to the canvas?

