SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v12.1d_2019-07-17/AllModules Development Only (built 2019-07-17)
Chrome on OSX
Hello, please try this test case:
When you select one of the options of the radioGroup on the right (TIPO_ASSOCIAZIONE), the other fields should become editable, but this isn't the case.
it was working in this build:
SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v12.1d_2019-06-17/EVAL Development Only (expires 2019.08.16_07.19.20) Licensed to: Isomorphic Software (#ISC_EVAL_NIGHTLY)
Chrome on OSX
Hello, please try this test case:
isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "form", titleOrientation: "top", width: "100%", colWidths: ["50%", "50%"], cellPadding: 5, validateOnChange: true, fields: [ { name: "STATO_CORRENTE", showIf: "false", defaultValue: "DAL" }, { name: "headerNaturaGiuridica", type: "header", width: "*", defaultValue: "DATI LEGALI", cellStyle: "formCell normal hrItemStyleBottom" }, { name: "RAGIONE_SOCIALE", width: "*", title: "Ragione sociale", readOnlyDisplay: "disabled", readOnlyWhen: { _constructor: "AdvancedCriteria", operator: "or", criteria: [ { fieldName: "TIPO_ASSOCIAZIONE", operator: "isNull" }, {fieldName: "STATO_CORRENTE", operator: "notInSet", value: ["DAL", "ACC"]} ] } }, { name: "TIPO_ASSOCIAZIONE", width: "*", editorType: "RadioGroupItem", showTitle: false, required: true, endRow: true, valueMap: { "1": "Associazione no profit", "2": "Persona fisica" } }, { name: "FATT_CON_IVA_FL", width: "*", editorType: "RadioGroupItem", showTitle: false, type: "text", valueMap: { "T": "Fatturazione con P. IVA", "F": "Fatturazione senza P. IVA" }, endRow: true, readOnlyDisplay: "disabled", readOnlyWhen: { _constructor: "AdvancedCriteria", operator: "or", criteria: [ { fieldName: "TIPO_ASSOCIAZIONE", operator: "isNull" }, {fieldName: "STATO_CORRENTE", operator: "notInSet", value: ["DAL", "ACC"]} ] } } ] })
it was working in this build:
SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v12.1d_2019-06-17/EVAL Development Only (expires 2019.08.16_07.19.20) Licensed to: Isomorphic Software (#ISC_EVAL_NIGHTLY)