Hi Isomorphic,
what is the best practice for walking though a AdvancedCriteria object like you most likely do for getFieldCriterion()?
Serverside AdvancedCriteria does not have too much methods, nothing that returns a List<Criteria>.
I'd like some way to get a list of all inner Criterion, best directly as instance of their correct Criterion-subclass from a AdvancedCriteria object.
Then I'd like to change or add some criterion in the tree.
Reason is that I can make my statements faster if I replace or amend some iContains client-side criteria with additional ID-criteria in order to support the DB optimizer.
Thank you & Best regards
what is the best practice for walking though a AdvancedCriteria object like you most likely do for getFieldCriterion()?
Serverside AdvancedCriteria does not have too much methods, nothing that returns a List<Criteria>.
I'd like some way to get a list of all inner Criterion, best directly as instance of their correct Criterion-subclass from a AdvancedCriteria object.
Then I'd like to change or add some criterion in the tree.
Reason is that I can make my statements faster if I replace or amend some iContains client-side criteria with additional ID-criteria in order to support the DB optimizer.
Thank you & Best regards