Hi Isomorphic,
please see this slightly modified testcase (v12.0p_2019-08-01, two properties added). As you can see, the date looks kinda strange. I'd expect it to look like this: "2019/08/01", as if you set useTextField:true.
Best regards
please see this slightly modified testcase (v12.0p_2019-08-01, two properties added). As you can see, the date looks kinda strange. I'd expect it to look like this: "2019/08/01", as if you set useTextField:true.
isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "dynamicForm", dataSource: "supplyItem", [B] canEdit: false, readOnlyDisplay:"static",[/B] // pre-fill some values values: { unitCost: -1.234, SKU: "my SKU" } }); isc.IButton.create({ ID: "saveButton", title: "Save", click: "dynamicForm.saveData()" }); isc.IButton.create({ ID: "clearErrorsButton", title: "Clear Errors", click: "dynamicForm.clearErrors(true)" }); isc.IButton.create({ ID: "disableValidationButton", autoFit: true, title: "Disable Validation", click: function () { dynamicForm.disableValidation = !dynamicForm.disableValidation; this.setTitle((dynamicForm.disableValidation ? "Enable" : "Disable")+" Validation"); } }); isc.HStack.create({ ID: "buttons", height: 24, membersMargin: 10, members: [saveButton, clearErrorsButton, disableValidationButton] }); isc.VLayout.create({ membersMargin: 10, members: [dynamicForm, buttons] });
Best regards