Hi Isomorphic,
out of intest I tried this code which I expected to work in 12.1d also in the respective 12.0p sample.
I turns out the result is exactly the same. Also ListGrid.setRotateHeaderTitles() is already in the 12.0p docs. Is this feature already working in 12.0p as well?
Thank you and Best regards
out of intest I tried this code which I expected to work in 12.1d also in the respective 12.0p sample.
I turns out the result is exactly the same. Also ListGrid.setRotateHeaderTitles() is already in the 12.0p docs. Is this feature already working in 12.0p as well?
isc.TreeGrid.create({ ID: "employeeTree", width: 500, height: 400, dataSource: "employees", autoFetchData: true, nodeIcon:"icons/16/person.png", folderIcon:"icons/16/person.png", showOpenIcons:false, showDropIcons:false, closedIconSuffix:"", showSelectedIcons:true, rotateHeaderTitles: true, headerHeight: 170, wrapHeaderSpanTitles:true, wrapHeaderTitles: true, canEdit:true, fields: [ {name: "Name", rotateTitle: false}, {name: "Job", width: 40, type:"boolean"}, {name: "Email", width: 40, type:"boolean"}, {name: "EmployeeStatus", width: 40, type:"boolean"}, {name: "OrgUnit", width: 40, type:"boolean"}, {name: "EmployeeType", width: 40, type:"boolean"}, {name: "Salary", width: 40, type:"boolean"}, {name: "Gender", width: 40, type:"boolean"}, ], headerSpans: [ { fields: ["Job", "Email"], title: "Main" }, { fields: ["EmployeeStatus", "OrgUnit"], title: "2nd group" } ] });