Hi there, we are noticing an issue where DynamicForm.compareValues(NaN,NaN,null,true); always returns false. It seems that method is not checking for isNaN() when inspecting the parameters passed since NaN==NaN will always return false. This is causing calls for exiting the editing a grid cell to incorrectly report that some values which are NaN have changed when calling _storeEditValue() > fieldValuesAreEqual() > compareValues()
Is the following patch of DynamicForm.compareValues() sensible and should it be applied to the framework? See the comment below like this: //updated to compare isNaN values
Is the following patch of DynamicForm.compareValues() sensible and should it be applied to the framework? See the comment below like this: //updated to compare isNaN values
compareValues : function (value1, value2, field, exactEquality) { if (field) { if(field.type) { var simpleType = isc.SimpleType.getType(field.type); if (simpleType && simpleType.compareValues) { return simpleType.compareValues(value1, value2, field) == 0; } if (field.type == "valueMap") { if (isc.isAn.Array(value1) && isc.isAn.Array(value2)) { return value1.equals(value2) } else if (isc.isAn.Object(value1) && isc.isAn.Object(value2)) { for (var i in value1) { if (value2[i] != value1[i]) return false; } for (var j in value2) { if (value1[j] != value2[j]) return false; } // everything matched return true; } } } if (isc.isA.Date(value1) && isc.isA.Date(value2)) { if ((isc.SimpleType.inheritsFrom(field.type, "date") && !isc.SimpleType.inheritsFrom(field.type, "datetime")) || value1.logicalDate || value2.logicalDate) { return (isc.DateUtil.compareLogicalDates(value1, value2) == 0); } else if (isc.SimpleType.inheritsFrom(field.type, "time") || value1.logicalTime || value2.logicalTime) { return (isc.Time.compareLogicalTimes(value1, value2) == 0); } else { return (isc.DateUtil.compareDates(value1, value2) == 0); } } } if (isc.isAn.Array(value1) && isc.isAn.Array(value2)) { if (value1.length != value2.length) return false; for (var i = 0; i < value1.length; i++) { if (!isc.DynamicForm.compareValues(value1[i], value2[i], field)) { return false; } } return true; } // handle having values set to Number, String etc instance // IE var foo = new Number(2); rather than just var foo = 2; // This returns true for isA.Object() if (isc.isA.Number(value1) || isc.isA.String(value1) || isc.isA.Boolean(value1)) { value1 = value1.valueOf(); } if (isc.isA.Number(value2) || isc.isA.String(value2) || isc.isA.Boolean(value2)) { value2 = value2.valueOf(); } // if either value is a DateRange, compare the start and end attributes if ((value1 && value1._constructor == "DateRange") || (value2 && value2._constructor == "DateRange")) { return isc.DynamicForm.compareValues(value1 && value1.start, value2 && value2.start, field) && isc.DynamicForm.compareValues(value1 && value1.end, value2 && value2.end, field); } //updated to compare isNaN values if ((exactEquality && value1 === value2) || (!exactEquality && value1 == value2) || (isNaN(value1) && isNaN(value2))) { return true; } if (isc.isAn.Object(value1) && isc.isAn.Object(value2)) { var recursive = isc.DynamicForm.compareValuesRecursive, tempObj = isc.addProperties({}, value2), isSGWT = isc.Browser.isSGWT ; for (var attr in value1) { if (isSGWT && (attr == isc.gwtRef || attr == isc.gwtModule)) { // assume SGWT wrapper and module reference always match } else if (recursive) { if (!isc.DynamicForm.compareValues(value1[attr], value2[attr])) { return false; } } else { if (value2[attr] != value1[attr]) return false; } delete tempObj[attr]; } // tempObj should now be empty if they match for (var attr in tempObj) { return false; } return true; } return false; },