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    Issues with PopUpTextAreaItem

    Hi there, we defined a field on a ListGrid with length=2000 and the framework automatically makes the editorType a PopUpTextAreaItem in that case. However, when interacting with the FormItem, we started seeing errors where this.form was null and we tried applying various patches but the problems were pervasive.

    Any idea why these patches would be necessary with PopUpTextAreaItem? When I explicitly set the editorType to "TextAreaItem", we don't have these problems. We are using a recently 12.0 nightly. We would prefer to use PopUpTextAreaItem if possible.

    here are the patches we started applying to workaround the issue where this.form was null:

                  return (this.form!=null?this.form.getTitleOrientation(this):null);
              getErrorOrientation : function () {
                  return this.errorOrientation != null ? this.errorOrientation : (this.form!=null?this.form.errorOrientation:null);
              $140 : function() {
                  var _1 = 0,
                      _2 = this.form,
                      _3 = this.getCellStyle();
                  if (this.parentItem) _2 = this.parentItem;
                      _1 += 2 * _2.cellSpacing;
                      var _4 = isc.isA.Number(_2.cellPadding) ? _2.cellPadding : 0,
                          _5 = isc.Element.$tt(_3, true);
                      if (_5 == null) _5 = _4
                      var _6 = isc.Element.$tu(_3, true);
                      if (_6 == null) _6 = _4;
                      _1 += _5;
                      _1 += _6;              
                  _1 += isc.Element.$ym(_3);
                  return _1
              $141 : function() {
                  var _1 = 0,
                      _2 = this.form,
                      _3 = this.getCellStyle();
                      if (this.parentItem) _2 = this.parentItem;
                      if (isc.isA.Number(_2.cellSpacing)) _1 += 2 * _2.cellSpacing;
                      var _4 = isc.isA.Number(_2.cellPadding) ? _2.cellPadding : 0,
                          _5 = isc.Element.$tr(_3, true);
                      if (_5 == null) _5 = _4;
                      var _6 = isc.Element.$ts(_3, true);
                      if (_6 == null) _6 = _4;
                      _1 += _5;
                      _1 += _6;
                  _1 += isc.Element.$yn(_3);
                  return _1

    We have no other reports of crashes with this item. You may be “patching” a problem that actually stems from invalid usage. If you can show how these crashes can be reproduced, we can either fix them or point out the bad usage for you to fix.


      Hi, it appears this was the result of editing a field and then performing an action that dynamically called hideField and then showField to overcome some old bugs. Removing that logic fixes the issue we were seeing.


        Thanks for letting us know.

