SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v12.1d_2019-10-23/AllModules Development Only (built 2019-10-23)
Chrome 78.0.3904.70 on OSX Catalina
Hello, please try this sample (it's the toolstrip sample modified in the menuButton to add an icon at the left of the title):
You'll see that the icon isn't in line with the title.
Oddly enough, it's wrapping if using (that's what I've always done), while it's not wrapping if I use a normal space.
Actually I'm not sure that you could do something in the framework to avoid this, please let me know.
Chrome 78.0.3904.70 on OSX Catalina
Hello, please try this sample (it's the toolstrip sample modified in the menuButton to add an icon at the left of the title):
isc.Menu.create({ ID: "menu", autoDraw: false, showShadow: true, shadowDepth: 10, data: [ {title: "New", keyTitle: "Ctrl+N", icon: "icons/16/document_plain_new.png"}, {title: "Open", keyTitle: "Ctrl+O", icon: "icons/16/folder_out.png"}, {isSeparator: true}, {title: "Save", keyTitle: "Ctrl+S", icon: "icons/16/disk_blue.png"}, {title: "Save As", icon: "icons/16/save_as.png"}, {isSeparator: true}, {title: "Recent Documents", icon: "icons/16/folder_document.png", submenu: [ {title: "data.xml", checked: true}, {title: "Component Guide.doc"}, {title: "SmartClient.doc", checked: true}, {title: "AJAX.doc"} ]}, {isSeparator: true}, {title: "Export as...", icon: "icons/16/export1.png", submenu: [ {title: "XML"}, {title: "CSV"}, {title: "Plain text"} ]}, {isSeparator: true}, {title: "Print", enabled: false, keyTitle: "Ctrl+P", icon: "icons/16/printer3.png"} ] }); isc.ToolStripMenuButton.create({ ID: "menuButton", title: isc.Canvas.imgHTML("[SKINIMG]/headerIcons/help_Over.png",16,16) + " File", menu: menu }); isc.ToolStripButton.create({ ID: "printButton", icon: "[SKIN]/RichTextEditor/print.png", title: "Print" }); isc.ToolStripButton.create({ ID: "alignLeft", icon: "[SKIN]/RichTextEditor/text_align_left.png", actionType: "radio", radioGroup: "textAlign" }); isc.ToolStripButton.create({ ID: "alignRight", icon: "[SKIN]/RichTextEditor/text_align_right.png", actionType: "radio", radioGroup: "textAlign" }); isc.ToolStripButton.create({ ID: "alignCenter", icon: "[SKIN]/RichTextEditor/text_align_center.png", actionType: "radio", radioGroup: "textAlign" }); isc.ToolStripButton.create({ ID: "bold", icon: "[SKIN]/RichTextEditor/text_bold.png", actionType: "checkbox", showFocused: false, showFocusOutline:true }); isc.ToolStripButton.create({ ID: "italics", icon: "[SKIN]/RichTextEditor/text_italic.png", actionType: "checkbox", showFocused: false, showFocusOutline:true }); isc.ToolStripButton.create({ ID: "underlined", icon: "[SKIN]/RichTextEditor/text_underline.png", actionType: "checkbox", showFocused: false, showFocusOutline:true }); isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "fontSelector", showResizeBar:true, width:120, minWidth:50, numCols:1, fields: [ {name: "selectFont", showTitle: false, width:"*", valueMap: { "courier": "<span style='font-family:courier'>Courier</span>", "verdana": "<span style='font-family:verdana'>Verdana</span>", "times": "<span style='font-family:times'>Times</span>" }, defaultValue:"courier" } ] }); isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "zoomSelector", width:100, minWidth:50, numCols:1, fields: [ {name: "selectZoom", showTitle: false, width:"*", valueMap: ["50%", "75%", "100%", "150%", "200%", "Fit"], defaultValue:"100%" } ] }); isc.ToolStrip.create({ width: 450, members: [menuButton, "separator", printButton, "resizer", bold, italics, underlined, "separator", alignLeft, alignRight, alignCenter, "separator", fontSelector, "resizer", zoomSelector] });
Oddly enough, it's wrapping if using (that's what I've always done), while it's not wrapping if I use a normal space.
Actually I'm not sure that you could do something in the framework to avoid this, please let me know.