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    12.0p Generated SQL for PostgreSQL case insensitive LIKE comparisons / Add ILIKE support

    Hi Isomorphic,

    please see this PostgreSQL 11.4 create table code, and the SQL you typically generate for iContains.
    We have a big city data table here (from Geonames) and ask it with a few ... iContains ... OR ... iContains ... in order to make suggestions in a ComboBoxItem.

    It turns out that the SQL you generate (LOWER() around the column name) makes Postgres 11.4 not use the index, while it would do so for ILIKE.
    Please see this code and the resulting plans:

    Test table:
    --Needed for indexes supporting wildcard searches
    CREATE EXTENSION btree_gin;
    drop table test;
    create table test
        id          bigint not null
            constraint test_pkey primary key
            constraint nnc_test_id check (id IS NOT NULL),
        id_in_order bigint not null
            constraint nnc_test_id_in_order check (id_in_order IS NOT NULL),
        text_lc      varchar(40)
            constraint nnc_test_text_lc check (text_lc IS NOT NULL),
        text_uc     varchar(40)
            constraint nnc_test_text_uc check (text_uc IS NOT NULL)
    INSERT INTO test(id, id_in_order, text_lc, text_uc)
    SELECT series.i, --id
           series.i / 10000, --100 distinct values
    FROM generate_series(1, 1000000) as series(i);
    create index test_gin on test USING gin (id_in_order, text_lc gin_trgm_ops, text_uc gin_trgm_ops);
    create index test_normal on test (id_in_order, text_lc, text_uc);
    --See generated data
    select * from test where id_in_order = 50 order by id_in_order, text_lc, text_uc;
    --ILIKE uses index (same result as below)
    select id_in_order, text_lc, text_uc, id
    from test
    where id_in_order = 50
      and ((text_lc ilike '%abcd%' and text_lc is not null) or
           (text_uc ilike '%abcd%' and text_uc is not null))
    order by id_in_order, text_lc, text_uc;
    --LOWER around column does not use index (same result as above)
    select id_in_order, text_lc, text_uc, id
    from test
    where id_in_order = 50
      and ((lower(text_lc) like lower('%abcd%') and text_lc is not null) or
           (upper(text_uc) like upper('%abcd%') and text_uc is not null))
    order by id_in_order, text_lc, text_uc;
    Plan 1 (good) (can paste it here):
    "Sort  (cost=654.78..654.78 rows=2 width=82)"
    "  Sort Key: text_lc, text_uc"
    "  ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on test  (cost=646.80..654.77 rows=2 width=82)"
    "        Recheck Cond: ((((text_lc)::text ~~* '%abcd%'::text) OR ((text_uc)::text ~~* '%abcd%'::text)) AND (id_in_order = 50))"
    "        ->  BitmapAnd  (cost=646.80..646.80 rows=2 width=0)"
    "              ->  BitmapOr  (cost=73.50..73.50 rows=200 width=0)"
    "                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on test_gin  (cost=0.00..36.75 rows=100 width=0)"
    "                          Index Cond: ((text_lc)::text ~~* '%abcd%'::text)"
    "                    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on test_gin  (cost=0.00..36.75 rows=100 width=0)"
    "                          Index Cond: ((text_uc)::text ~~* '%abcd%'::text)"
    "              ->  Bitmap Index Scan on test_normal  (cost=0.00..573.05 rows=9667 width=0)"
    "                    Index Cond: (id_in_order = 50)"
    Plan 2 (bad):
    "Index Scan using test_normal on test  (cost=0.55..13488.27 rows=154 width=82)"
    "  Index Cond: (id_in_order = 50)"
    "  Filter: (((lower((text_lc)::text) ~~ '%abcd%'::text) AND (text_lc IS NOT NULL)) OR ((upper((text_uc)::text) ~~ '%ABCD%'::text) AND (text_uc IS NOT NULL)))"
    Could you change the generated SQL here in order to use ILIKE?

    Thank you & Best regards

    We agree that this would be a worthwhile enhancement to our Postgres support. A developer is scheduled to make this change, and we will post back on this thread soon.


      We have now implemented optional support for ILIKE in our PostgreSQL driver. This will be present in 12.1 and 12.0 builds as of tomorrow - ie, builds dated December 21 or later. Note, the use of ILIKE depends on a flag, which is set to true in 12.1 builds, but false in 12.0 builds (for safety, because 12.0 is really a bugfix-only branch). So to see a difference with a 12.0 build, add the following line to your file:

      sql.postgresql.useILike: true


        Hi Isomorphic,

        thank you. I'm pretty sure this setting will help other users as well. It's also great that you made this configurable, as it might be possible that other users like ANSI SQL here better for some reason.

        Best regards


          Hi Isomorphic,

          I tried this feature using v12.0p_2020-03-11. It seems to work in general, but broke importStrategy="display"-fields in BatchUploader, as now the query is with a normal "=" instead with ILIKE. It was a "=" with LOWER() before.
                  <field name="CUST_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_ID" [B]importStrategy="display"[/B] uploadFieldName="ADDRESS_COUNTRY_ID" displayField="CUST_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_NAME"
                      <title><fmt:message key="country" /></title>
                          <validator type="hasRelatedRecord">
                              <errorMessage><fmt:message key="validatorSelectCountry" /></errorMessage>
          Best regards


            Could you clarify - if ILIKE is equivalent to = plus lower() then how could this change the importDisplay feature?


              Hi Isomorphic,

              this is the generated query with sql.postgresql.useILike: true in the
              SELECT longfieldlist FROM tablename JOIN alltheneededjoinsforallthefields [B]WHERE (T_COUNTRY.ISO_3166_1_ALPHA_2='DE')[/B]

              This is the query without the new setting:
              SELECT longfieldlist FROM tablename JOIN alltheneededjoinsforallthefields [B]WHERE (LOWER(T_COUNTRY.ISO_3166_1_ALPHA_2)='de')[/B]
              My suspicion is that the new setting should affect the "i" versions of operators contains/startsWith/endsWith and their respective not-versions. This seems to be working fine.
              It somehow also seems to have an effect on iEquals, which is not intended.

              Best regards


                Hi Isomorphic,

                can you reproduce this issue?

                Best regards


                  Hi Isomorphic,

                  can you reproduce this issue?

                  Best regards


                    Hi Isomorphic,

                    can you reproduce this issue?

                    Best regards


                      Apologies for the delay, this was lost in a queue of assigned tasks. We are working on this and will follow up soon.


                        We've reproduced behavior you are reporting, but this needs some clarity.

                        First, why do you say effect on iEquals operator is not intended? For case insensitive comparisons iEquals using iLike approach would get same benefits of using indexes as other case insensitive operators, like iContains for example. Can you explain this please?

                        Second, BatchUploader lookup by ID has an issue that needs to be fixed. When sql.postgresql.useILike=false we use lower(field)="value" approach. Then, if sql.postgresql.useILike=true, we could use either same lower(field)="value" approach or switch to using field ilike "value" as well. This is related to the first question, since this lookup is using case insensitive comparison (like iEquals does) and we think using iLike here would make perfect sense. Do you agree?


                          Hi Isomorphic,

                          thanks for looking into this. I’m on vacation now and will test and answer in 1-2 weeks, as I don’t know the exact problem we had with it anymore.

                          Best regards


                            Hi Isomorphic,

                            to clarify: I was only speaking about the bug.
                            IMHO it does not matter if it is fixed by going back to the old way (like with sql.postgresql.useILike=false) of
                            lower(field) = 'value' (where value is the lowercased version of the search string)
                            or by using
                            field ILIKE 'value' (where value is the lowercased version of the search string or the unmodified search string)
                            , but...
                            • I agree that using ILIKE could have performance benefits (I did not test it)
                            • At the same this would already be solveable with an index on lower(field) (see "Examples" here). This then is doable with a normal btree index, no need for Trigram extension for GIN indexes.
                            • This is not true for the iContains, which needs ILIKE to be performant.
                            • The issue with using the ILIKE approach for iEquals is that you need to escape percent sign ( %) and underscore sign (_) in the search string.

                            So IMHO it seems more straightforward to use ILIKE only for iContains/iStartsWith/iEndsWith and leave iEquals as it is.

                            Does this make sense to you?

                            Best regards


                              Just an FYI - the developer handling this ticket is assigned to multiple high priority tasks and has just been admitted to hospital, so this will be a pretty long wait, just to set expectations.

