I am trying to htmlPane.show() a message during long data operations and htmlPane.hide() when complete.
I can actuate the htmlPane.show()/htmlPane.hide() methods using buttons, but am not able to show/hide in the body of the dataChanged: function (operationType) {}.
Why does this work with buttons, but not in a function? I also tried to actuate the click event of the buttons within the function, but that did not work either.
Here is my code:
Any help would be appreciated!!
I am trying to htmlPane.show() a message during long data operations and htmlPane.hide() when complete.
I can actuate the htmlPane.show()/htmlPane.hide() methods using buttons, but am not able to show/hide in the body of the dataChanged: function (operationType) {}.
Why does this work with buttons, but not in a function? I also tried to actuate the click event of the buttons within the function, but that did not work either.
Here is my code:
isc.RestDataSource.create({ ID: "shopMdSource", fields: [ { name: "id", title: "Id", primaryKey: true, canEdit: false, hidden: true }, { name: "key", title: "Customer Tag", length: 30, type: "text" }, { name: "namespace", title: "Namespace", hidden: true }, { name: "value", title: "Initial Case Quantity", hidden: true }, { name: "value_type", title: "value_type", hidden: true }, { name: "description", title: "Description", hidden: true }, { name: "owner_id", title: "owner_id", hidden: true }, { name: "created_at", title: "created_at", hidden: true }, { name: "updated_at", title: "updated_at", hidden: true }, { name: "owner_resource", title: "owner_resource", hidden: true }, { name: "admin_graphql_api_id", title: "admin_graphql_api_id", hidden: true } ], dataFormat: "json", promptStyle: "modal", fetchDataURL: "/listSMF", addDataURL: "/createSMF", updateDataURL: "/updateSMF", removeDataURL: "/removeSMF" }); isc.HTMLPane.create({ ID: "busyMessage1", height:110, showEdges:true, builderAutoID: true, autoDraw: false, contents: "<strong><table bgcolor='#B7ECEC' style=' margin: 0; border-radius: 25px;'><tr><td style='padding: 15px; padding-bottom: 0px;'><img src='/progressCursorTracker.gif'> Updating Product Data...</td></tr><tr><td style='padding: 15px;'>This may take a while if you have a lot of Products...</td></tr></table></strong>", contentsType: "fragment", evalScriptBlocks:true, captureSCComponents:true, disabled:false, visibility:"hidden" }) var reloadPage = false; isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "shopMdListGrid", width: 500, height: 224, //emptyCellValue: "--", loadingDataMessage: "<strong><table bgcolor='#B7ECEC' style='border-radius: 25px;'><tr><td style='padding: 15px; padding-bottom: 0px;'>${loadingImage} Loading Data</td></tr><tr><td style='padding: 15px;'>This may take a while if you have a lot of Customer Tags...</td></tr></table></strong>", loadingDataMessage: "<strong><table bgcolor='#B7ECEC' style='border-radius: 25px;'><tr><td style='padding: 15px; padding-bottom: 0px;'>${loadingImage} Loading Data</td></tr><tr><td style='padding: 15px;'>This may take a while...</td></tr></table></strong>", alternateRecordStyles: true, headerBackgroundColor: "#43467F", dataSource: shopMdSource, sortField: 0, // sort by key dataPageSize: 50, autoDraw: false, builderAutoID: true, autoFetchData: true, autoSaveEdits: true, dataChanged: function (operationType) { //alert(operationType); //isc.logWarn("dataArrived: "); [B] busyMessage1.show();[/B] columnsUpdated = false; //shopProdListGrid.invalidateCache(); //Remove LG from VL shopProdManagerVL.removeMember(shopProdListGrid); //Destroy LG shopProdListGrid.destroy(); //Destroy DS shopProdRestDataSource.destroy(); //Instantiate DS var theProdFields = [...prodFields]; //copy the static product fields prototype to the working copy isc.RestDataSource.create(shopProdRestDataSourceParms); //Instantiate LG isc.ListGrid.create(shopProdListGridParms); //Add LG to VL in the second position shopProdManagerVL.addMember(shopProdListGrid, 1); [B] busyMessage1.hide();[/B] }, });