Hi Isomorphic,
we have a problem with BatchUploader. We used Hilite + ValidationContext.setResultingValue() to create "warnings" via Hilite for possible duplicates.
The user can then decide not to import the leads via canRemoveRecords: true.
Here are two problems, one with canRemoveRecords (this thread), one with the default-enabled deferRemoval.
Please see here (v12.0p_2019-12-14) in mode "Retain" that the wrong records are displayed after "Commit" (none are expected):
After upload and remove:
After commit:
Best regards
we have a problem with BatchUploader. We used Hilite + ValidationContext.setResultingValue() to create "warnings" via Hilite for possible duplicates.
The user can then decide not to import the leads via canRemoveRecords: true.
Here are two problems, one with canRemoveRecords (this thread), one with the default-enabled deferRemoval.
Please see here (v12.0p_2019-12-14) in mode "Retain" that the wrong records are displayed after "Commit" (none are expected):
isc.BatchUploader.create({ ID:"uploader", height: 700, width: "100%", uploadDataSource: supplyItemCustom, uploadFormProperties: { titleWidth: 110 }, gridProperties: { height: 400, deferRemoval: false, canRemoveRecords: true } }); isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "partialCommitsForm", items: [ { name:"partialCommits", wrapTitle: false, title:"Partial Commit Mode", type:"select", defaultValue: "prompt", valueMap:{ allow: "Allow", prevent: "Prevent", prompt: "Prompt", retain: "Retain" }, changed : function(form, item, value) { uploader.partialCommit = value; } } ] }); isc.VStack.create({ width:"100%", layoutMargin:10, membersMargin: 10, members:[ partialCommitsForm, uploader ] });
- Run sample
- Upload demo file
- Remove 3 entries with validation error
- Commit 4 entries without validation error
- Expected: No records left
- Result: Random records (with and without validation error) left
After upload and remove:
After commit:
Best regards