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    [bug] FacetChart with chatType:'column' overlaps columns, 'pie' has wrong legend

    SmartClient Version: v8.3p_2013-02-18/PowerEdition Development Only (built 2013-02-18)

    in the #simpleChart sample if you reduce the dataset like this:
    var chartData = [
        {region: "West",  product: "Cars", sales: 37},
        {region: "North", product: "Cars", sales: 29},
    //    {region: "East",  product: "Cars", sales: 80},
    //    {region: "South", product: "Cars", sales: 87},
        {region: "West",  product: "Trucks", sales: 23},
        {region: "North", product: "Trucks", sales: 45},
    //    {region: "East",  product: "Trucks", sales: 32},
    //    {region: "South", product: "Trucks", sales: 67},
        {region: "West",  product: "Motorcycles", sales: 12},
        {region: "North", product: "Motorcycles", sales: 4}
    //    {region: "East",  product: "Motorcycles", sales: 23},
    //    {region: "South", product: "Motorcycles", sales: 45}
    and then switch to chartType 'column' and 'unstacked', you'll see that the central columns overlaps.

    Than if you switch to 'pie' you'll see that the legend reports the wrong facet.
    Last edited by claudiobosticco; 18 Feb 2013, 06:49.

    Thanks for the report, this is fixed for tomorrow's 3.1 and 4.0 builds.


      SmartClient Version: v8.3p_2013-02-20/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2013-02-20)

      thanks, but I think there's a little problem: for 'Pie' chart, I think I have to use the context menu to swap facets to obtain the intended result. Am I wrong ?


        It's a little ambiguous because Pie Charts are so different, but we agree that keeping the same facet for the legend is probably the best behavior, so we've switched to the behavior you were expecting.


          SmartClient Version: v8.3p_2013-02-25/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2013-02-25)

          verified, thank you very much

