I am trying to add data label into a un-stacked column chart. My requirement is to have the ability to scroll the chart and also provide data point label / hover for each column in the chart. I followed the sample in smartGWTEE showcase for scrolling chart and that worked.
But when I added "chart.setShowDataLabels(true);" in the source code to enable data labels in the chart, it did not do anything ( no data labels or hover got displayed).
Then I disabled that API call and added "chart.setShowValueOnHover(true);" to enable hover per data point to display data point value. This did enable the hover per data point on the initial drawn chart, but when I scroll the chart to right the hover is not displaying correct data point value. The hover shows up on a different data point then the one where the mouse is pointing at. Please see the attached screenshot.
I have also attached a sample test case using the sample code from the showcase.
This is the version I am using: SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v12.1d_2020-02-21/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2020-02-21)
Let me know if there is any workaround/fix to have the data labels correctly displayed in the scrolling chart.
I am trying to add data label into a un-stacked column chart. My requirement is to have the ability to scroll the chart and also provide data point label / hover for each column in the chart. I followed the sample in smartGWTEE showcase for scrolling chart and that worked.
But when I added "chart.setShowDataLabels(true);" in the source code to enable data labels in the chart, it did not do anything ( no data labels or hover got displayed).
Then I disabled that API call and added "chart.setShowValueOnHover(true);" to enable hover per data point to display data point value. This did enable the hover per data point on the initial drawn chart, but when I scroll the chart to right the hover is not displaying correct data point value. The hover shows up on a different data point then the one where the mouse is pointing at. Please see the attached screenshot.
I have also attached a sample test case using the sample code from the showcase.
This is the version I am using: SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v12.1d_2020-02-21/PowerEdition Deployment (built 2020-02-21)
Let me know if there is any workaround/fix to have the data labels correctly displayed in the scrolling chart.