We have an issue that there are vertical gaps between tree connectors when "wrapCells" is true and/or "fixedRecordHeights" is false(see screenCapture.png).
Can you please advise if there is any way to get rid of these gaps? Our client is complaining about this.
We are using SmartClient_v82p_2012-10-09_PowerEdition, and we tried SmartClient_v82p_2013-02-19_PowerEdition it is also reproducible.
Please try the following code in feature explorer.
Thanks for your help!
We have an issue that there are vertical gaps between tree connectors when "wrapCells" is true and/or "fixedRecordHeights" is false(see screenCapture.png).
Can you please advise if there is any way to get rid of these gaps? Our client is complaining about this.
We are using SmartClient_v82p_2012-10-09_PowerEdition, and we tried SmartClient_v82p_2013-02-19_PowerEdition it is also reproducible.
Please try the following code in feature explorer.
isc.TreeGrid.create({ ID: "employeeTree", width: 500, height: 500, dataSource: "employees", autoFetchData: true, nodeIcon:"icons/16/person.png", folderIcon:"icons/16/person.png", showOpenIcons:false, showDropIcons:false, closedIconSuffix:"", showConnectors: true, showFullConnectors: true, wrapCells: true, fixedRecordHeights: false, fields: [ {name: "Name"}, {name: "Job"}, {name: "OrgUnit"}, {name: "Salary", formatCellValue: "isc.Format.toUSDollarString(value*1000)"} ] });