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    12.0p: Calendar event tabbing is in wrong order and swallows focus

    Hi Isomorphic,

    I browsed the showcase. In this sample (v12.0p_2020-03-28, Chromium 80 / Win 10) where you can tab though events, the tabbing order is wrong.
    If I select the 1st event ("9:00 Shareholders meeting") and hit tab, it focuses the Skin chooser Dropdown (would expect 2nd event).
    If I select the last event ("11:00 Board of directors meeting") and hit tab, it focuses on the previous event (would expect Skin chooser Dropdown).

    Also, if I'm focusing on the "Next"-arrow as in the picture, the third hit on tab focuses the last event (should be first, see above). But it is also not clear where the focus on the 1st and 2nd hit on "Tab" is. Seems to be in limbo.
    Click image for larger version  Name:	Last arrow.PNG Views:	0 Size:	6.7 KB ID:	261625

    Best regards

    This has been fixed for builds dated April 4 and later.


      Hi Isomorphic,

      I can see a change of the tab order in the events in general using v12.0p_2020-04-05, but it's not correct, yet.
      Start the sample and click "View". Then start tabbing:
      1. Back-icon
      2. Calendar-icon
      3. Plus-icon
      4. forward-icon
      5. Limbo
      6. Limbo
      7. Wed 8:00 Realtor
      8. Tue 9:00 Meeting
      9. Thu 1:00 Airport run
      7 and 8 are in the wrong order, also the 2 limbo positions are also still in the order.

      Best regards


        Hi Isomorphic,

        this one is still open (although it has no priority for me).

        Best regards


          Hi Isomorphic,

          this one seems to be fixed in v12.0p_2022-02-15.

          Best regards

