Hi Isomorphic,
I browsed the showcase. In this modified sample (v12.0p_2020-03-28, Chromium 80 / Win 10) there is no data shown in two of the 4 views. I'd expect data in all four views.
Data is generated for today (2020-03-29) in JS, but only shows in Day and Week view, not in Month and Timeline:


Also, it is not clear to me, why "Day" lane is selected by default.
Best regards
I browsed the showcase. In this modified sample (v12.0p_2020-03-28, Chromium 80 / Win 10) there is no data shown in two of the 4 views. I'd expect data in all four views.
Data is generated for today (2020-03-29) in JS, but only shows in Day and Week view, not in Month and Timeline:
Also, it is not clear to me, why "Day" lane is selected by default.
var lanes = [ { name: "charlesMadigen", title: "Charles Madigen", width: 200 }, { name: "tamaraKane", title: "Tamara Kane", width: 200 }, { name: "darcyFeeney", title: "Darcy Feeney", width: 200 }, { name: "kaiKong", title: "Kai Kong", width: 200 }, { name: "shellyFewel", title: "Shelly Fewel", width: 200 } ]; isc.Calendar.create({ ID: "calendar", top: 40, data: dayLaneData, lanes: lanes, showWeekView: [B]true[/B], showMonthView: [B]true[/B], showTimelineView: [B]true[/B], chosenDate: new Date(), showDayLanes: true, canEditLane: true });