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    Accessing SmartClient web application through an apache reverse proxy is not working

    latest Mozilla and Chrome browsers

    We have an existing web application using SmartClient running under the iPlanet web server with AJAX calls and accessed via iPlanet reverse proxy servers and everything is working fine. We needed to migrate off iPlanet and onto Apache. I set up a tomcat server for the web application and accessing the application directly on the web server is working fine.

    I can also access the new tomcat server with the old iPlanet proxy without a problem.

    When I try to access the web server from the apache reverse proxy, the following error occurs:

    WARN:Log:ReferenceError: Ajax is not defined ISC_Core.js:1129:152
    Stack from error.stack:
    validateLoginData() @ :43:2
    unnamed() @ :72:1

    I'm just trying to get some idea of why the proxy is making a difference. Is there anything special that needs to be configured with apache in relation to Smart Client?

    This is a very strange error. It's attributed to ISC_Core.js but you can quickly check that there are zero occurrences of "validateLoginData" or "Ajax" (as a variable) in that file or any other file provided by us. So this is your application code crashing in some way, and the crash is being misattributed to SmartClient.

    SmartClient has no special considerations for reverse proxying - you just have to worry about the same things you need to worry about with reverse proxying in general.

