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    Hidden fields shown in pick lists

    Using version 12.1p LGPL of April 5th, 2020, I'm pretty sure that hidden pick list fields are shown, even if I define them as hidden in the data source.

    This stand-alone example would work if /orders.json and /customers.json exist, but it shows that the "Active" field is shown. This should work in 12.0p.

        isc.defineClass('MyDataSource', isc.RestDataSource).addProperties({
          dataFormat: 'json',
          jsonPrefix: '',
          jsonSuffix: '',
          sendMetaData: false
          autoDraw: true,
          dataSource: isc.MyDataSource.create({
            dataURL: '/orders.json',
            fields: [
              { name: 'customer_id', displayField: 'name', type: 'integer', valueField: 'id' }
          fields: [
              name: 'customer_id',
              optionDataSource: isc.MyDataSource.create({
                dataURL: /customers.json',
                fields: [
                  { hidden: true, name: 'id', primaryKey: true, type: 'integer' },
                  { hidden: true, name: 'active', type: 'boolean' },
                  { name: 'name', type: 'text' }
              pickListFields: [
                { name: 'active', hidden: true },
                { name: 'name' }
              pickListWidth: 400

    Thank you for the notification.
    We've made a change to address this issue (visible in nightly builds going forward on 12.1 and 13.0d).

    One note: When your sample code is executed in 12.0, a header is shown on the pickList for the item even though only one field is showing.
    In 12.1 this is not the case - the header will not show up if there is only a single visible field for a pickList (this change is intentional).

    If you do want the header to show, you can set showHeader:true on pickListProperties for your item

    Isomorphic Software

