Hi Isomorphic,
please see this modified sample (v12.0p_2020-04-15), where the ListGrid field width don't match the export.
If you click export, you'll see this request in the Developer Console's RPCRequest tab.
Please see the bold parts.
There are 4 exportFields (expected) and 5 exportFieldPixelWidths (unexpected).
I'd expect something like for exportFieldTitles, where there are values mapped:
Now the server would use the given width for these three fields and a default width (perhaps depending on .ds.xml length, if it's a text field) for the remaining field "gdp", where the ListGrid can't send data.
Best regards
please see this modified sample (v12.0p_2020-04-15), where the ListGrid field width don't match the export.
isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "countryList", exportFieldWidths: true, width:600, height:250, alternateRecordStyles:true, dataSource: worldDSExport, autoFetchData: true, fields:[ {name:"countryName", title:"Country", width: 101}, {name:"capital", title:"Capital", width: 102}, {name:"continent", title:"Continent", width: 103}, {name:"independence", title:"Nationhood", width: 104}, {name:"population", title:"Population", width: 105} ], showFilterEditor: true }); isc.Button.create({ ID: "exportButton", title: "Export", top: 260, click: function () { countryList.exportData({ exportAs: "ooxml", exportFields: ["gdp", "countryName", "capital", "continent"] }); } });
If you click export, you'll see this request in the Developer Console's RPCRequest tab.
Please see the bold parts.
There are 4 exportFields (expected) and 5 exportFieldPixelWidths (unexpected).
I'd expect something like for exportFieldTitles, where there are values mapped:
"exportFieldPixelWidths":{ "countryName": 101, "capital": 102, "continent": 103 },
{ "actionURL":"https://www-demos.smartclient.com/smartclient-12.0/isomorphic/IDACall", "showPrompt":false, "transport":"hiddenFrame", "promptStyle":"cursor", "bypassCache":true, "data":{ "criteria":null, "operationConfig":{ "dataSource":"worldDSExport", "repo":null, "operationType":"fetch", "textMatchStyle":"substring" }, "exportResults":true, "exportAs":"ooxml", "exportDelimiter":",", "exportTitleSeparatorChar":"", "exportFilename":"Results.xlsx", "exportPath":null, "exportDisplay":"download", "lineBreakStyle":"default", "exportFields":[ [B]"gdp", [/B] "countryName", "capital", "continent" ], "exportHeader":null, "exportHeaderless":null, "exportFooter":null, "exportFieldTitles":{ [B] "gdp":"GDP ($M)", "countryName":"Country", "capital":"Capital", "continent":"Continent"[/B] }, "exportDatesAsFormattedString":null, "exportNumbersAsFormattedString":null, "exportRawValues":true, "exportCurrencySymbol":"$", "exportHeaderSpans":null, "exportOtherFields":{ "gdp":"GDP ($M)", "countryName":"Country", "capital":"Capital", "continent":"Continent" }, "exportFieldPixelWidths":[ [B] 101, 102, 103, 104, 105[/B] ], "exportWidthScale":0.12, "exportWrapHeaderTitles":null, "exportPropertyIdentifier":"name", "appID":"builtinApplication", "operation":"worldDSExport_fetch", "oldValues":null } }