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    Quick Filter Custom Presentation

    Hi, my client needs a button at left side of each quick filter cell indicating the current operator to be applied. While clicked, a list of possible operators is shown to the user to select. I know all the underlining functionality can be achieved via advanced filter or allowing expression, but I have specific requirements and and wonder if it's currently possible in smartclient.
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    You can do this via providing a custom FormItem for use in the FilterEditor via listGridField.filterEditorType.

    You can use a CanvasItem in order to embed any kind of compound control, so that you can use a sub-form with a FormItemIcon to implement the icon you show on the left (which we're guessing allows you to pick the operator).

    Pay special attention to CanvasItem.get/setCriterion().

    Alternatively, you could use the Feature Sponsorship to have this mode of editing criteria added as a built-in feature.

