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    ListGrid: canvasitem in inline editing, change column width on editing

    I am developing an canvas form item (for date time editing). It works fine in form editing, but in grid editing the column is not automatically widened to cater for the needed extra space of the editor. Is there a standard way for me to widen the column width during editing and put it back after editing?

    I am on a 8.3 version of mid last year on chrome 23 and linux.

    gr. Martin
    Last edited by martintaal; 22 Feb 2013, 07:00.

    There's no automatic setting for this, but there is the resizeField() API.

    Note however, that's a bit disruptive, especially if you are tabbing through columns using the keyboard. It might be a better design to either have the editor extend out of the column when focused, or to have a pop-up dialog launched from an icon.

