Hi Isomorphic,
please see this testcase (v12.0p_2020-04-27):
As you can see a few IMHO strange things happen:
Best regards
please see this testcase (v12.0p_2020-04-27):
As you can see a few IMHO strange things happen:
- FormWidth is always reported as 300 in the label, even if the width changes, and this never matches the Developer Console Watch Tab (it does for the buttons, with match the 150 from the code)
- Only 40 and 60 have the right padding that should always be there (especially as the DynamicForm drawn width is never 300 anyway)
- 10 and 20 don't have an effect on short text and amount
- 30 only has on short text, not on amount
Best regards
isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "myDF", width: "300", backgroundColor: "yellow", numCols: 2, colWidths: ["*", "40"], isGroup: true, groupTitle: "My group", border:"1px solid blue", padding:50, fields: [ {name: "enabled", title: "Enabled?", type: "boolean", width: "*", labelAsTitle: true, }, {name: "subject", title: "Short text", type: "text", width: "*" }, {name: "amount", title: "Amount", type: "integer", width: "*", editorType: "SpinnerItem" } ] }); isc.Button.create({ ID: "width10", width: 150, title: "'colWidths', ['*', '10']", click: "widthDisplay.updateAndReport(10)" }); isc.Button.create({ ID: "width20", width: 150, title: "'colWidths', ['*', '20']", click: "widthDisplay.updateAndReport(20)" }); isc.Button.create({ ID: "width30", width: 150, title: "'colWidths', ['*', '30']", click: "widthDisplay.updateAndReport(30)" }); isc.Button.create({ ID: "width40", width: 150, title: "'colWidths', ['*', '40']", click: "widthDisplay.updateAndReport(40)" }); isc.Button.create({ ID: "width60", width: 150, title: "'colWidths', ['*', '60']", click: "widthDisplay.updateAndReport(60)" }); isc.Button.create({ ID: "width200", width: 150, title: "'colWidths', ['*', '200']", click: "widthDisplay.updateAndReport(200)" }); isc.Button.create({ ID: "width300", width: 150, title: "'colWidths', ['*', '300']", click: "widthDisplay.updateAndReport(300)" }); isc.HLayout.create({ ID: "buttonsLayout", members: [width10, width20, width30, width40, width60, width200, width300], membersMargin: 10, width: "100%" }); var widthDisplay = isc.Label.create({ ID: "widthDisplay", width: 500, height: 40, border: "1px solid grey", updateAndReport: function (width) { myDF.setProperty('colWidths', ['*', width]); this.setContents("Clicked Button: " + width + "<br/>" + "FormWidth: " + myDF.width + "<br/>" + "enabled: " + myDF.getField("enabled").width + "<br/>" + "subject: " + myDF.getField("subject").width + "<br/>" + "amount: " + myDF.getField("amount").width + "<br/>" ); } }); isc.VLayout.create({ members: [myDF, buttonsLayout, widthDisplay ], membersMargin: 10, width: "80%" });