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    bug when hiding lanes in timeline view

    hiding unused lanes and rebuilding the timline will hide the lanes but the events too.
    kind regards paul
    1. v12.1p_2020-04-23/Pro Development Only
    2. Chrome Version 81.0.4044.129

    6. sample code
    var _today = isc.DateUtil.getStartOf(new Date(2020, 6, 5), "W");
    var _start = _today.getDate() - _today.getDay();
    var _month = _today.getMonth();
    var _year = _today.getFullYear();

    var events = [

    eventId: 1,
    name: "Betoniere",
    description: "Betoniere das Dach",
    startDate: isc.DateUtil.getStartOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 2), "D"),
    endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 8), "D"),
    marOrAmObjId: "100464361"

    eventId: 2,
    name: "Ausruhen",
    description: "leg dich hin",
    startDate: isc.DateUtil.getStartOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 2), "D"),
    endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 8), "D"),
    marOrAmObjId: "100464361"

    eventId: 3,
    name: "Schalen",
    description: "die Decke und die Wand",
    startDate: isc.DateUtil.getStartOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 2), "D"),
    endDate: isc.DateUtil.getEndOf(new Date(_year, _month, _start + 8), "D"),
    marOrAmObjId: "3044776"

    var mitarbeiter = [
    {title: "Betonierer,Karsten", name: "100464361", marOrAmObjId: "100464361", height: 60}
    , {title: "Schaler,Jörg", name: "35263686", marOrAmObjId: "35263686", height: 60}
    , {title: "Hammerwerfer,Heinz", name: "16034905", marOrAmObjId: "16034905", height: 60}
    , {title: "Rumkugler,Thersa", name: "80644197", marOrAmObjId: "80644197", height: 60}
    , {title: "Papst,Paul", name: "3044776", marOrAmObjId: "3044776", height: 60}
    , {title: "Bischof,Ernst", name: "20340259", marOrAmObjId: "20340259", height: 60}
    , {title: "Strauß,Michael", name: "14212526", marOrAmObjId: "14212526", height: 60}

    var _calStart = isc.DateUtil.getStartOf(new Date(2020, 6, 5), "W");
    var _calEnd = _calStart.duplicate();
    _calEnd.setDate(_calEnd.getDate() + 20);
    ID: "toolstrip",
    width: "100%"

    var unusedLanesForm = toolstrip.addFormItem({ name: "hideUnusedLanes", title: "Hide Unused Lanes", titleOrientation: "top", type: "boolean", changed: "timeline.hideUnusedLanes = this.getValue(); timeline.rebuild();" });

    ID: "timeline",
    height: 451,
    startDate: _calStart,
    endDate: _calEnd,
    autoDraw : false,
    canEditLane : true,
    canResizeEvents : true,
    canAcceptDrop : true,
    snapOnDrop : false,
    canDragEvents : true,
    canEditEvents: true,
    showWeekends : true,
    showAddEventButton : false,
    showEventDescriptions : true,
    showControlsBar : false,
    rowHeight : 65,
    autoFetchData : false,
    data: events,
    lanes: mitarbeiter ,
    laneNameField : "marOrAmObjId",
    headerLevels: [ { unit: "week" }, { unit: "day" } ],
    laneFields: [ { name: "title", title: "Developer", minWidth: 120, autoFitWidth: true } ],
    showEventDescriptions: false,
    disableWeekends: false,
    laneEventPadding: 2,
    // hide events whose name does not contain the "eventFilter"
    rebuild : function () {
    // rebuild the timelineView

    width: "100%",
    membersMargin: 8,
    members: [ toolstrip, timeline ]

    We see the problem and will update here when we have it fixed.


      We've made a fix for this (a case where we were not taking your custom laneNameField into account) - you can retest with a build dated May 5 or later.

      Note that we also made some optimisations, and added setHideUnusedLanes() - you should call that instead of rebuild(), which is much less efficient - we'll update our Timeline Filtering example to show the new technique as well.
      Last edited by Isomorphic; 3 May 2020, 21:19.


        Bug is fixed, but
        not implemented.

