Smartclient 6.5.1
I have a listGrid that I need to bind a column to another Datasource for display values. When I implement the optionDatasource the page will not load. I recieve a JS error: "_2 is null" in the Databinding module.
In the ISC console there's no error: 09:26:25.081:INFO:Log:isc.Page is loaded.
I created another listgrid bound to the same datasource as the optiondatasource and it loads properly, so I know the DS is working correctly.
Here's the listgrid and datasources:
Also, just so you know, if I set autoFetchDisplayMap: false on the field, everything loads fine except there's no values in the listgrid field.
I have a listGrid that I need to bind a column to another Datasource for display values. When I implement the optionDatasource the page will not load. I recieve a JS error: "_2 is null" in the Databinding module.
In the ISC console there's no error: 09:26:25.081:INFO:Log:isc.Page is loaded.
I created another listgrid bound to the same datasource as the optiondatasource and it loads properly, so I know the DS is working correctly.
Here's the listgrid and datasources:
isc.RestDataSource.create( { ID:"DSShowCategory", dataProtocol:"postMessage", fetchMode:"basic", showPrompt: false, dataFormat: "xml", recordXPath: "//ShowCategory", fields: [{name: "ShowCategoryID", title: "CategoryId", type:"integer", primaryKey: true, canEdit: false}, {name: "Title", title: "Title"}, {name: "DivId", title: "DivId", type:"int"}, {name: "Sort", title: "Sort", type:"int"}, {name: "Grid", title: "Grid", type:"boolean"} ], operationBindings: BindingsGeneric, transformRequest: function (dsRequest) { if(dsRequest.operationType == "fetch") { if(["DivId"] == null ) {["DivId"] = 1; } } return this.Super("transformRequest", arguments); } }); isc.RestDataSource.create( { ID:"DSvuListShow", dataProtocol:"postMessage", showPrompt: false, dataFormat: "xml", recordXPath: "//vuListShow", fields: [ {name: "ShowID", title: "ShowID", type: "int", hidden:true, primaryKey: true, canEdit: false}, {name: "DivID", title: "DivID", type: "int"}, {name: "ShowCategoryID", title: "ShowCategoryID", type: "integer"}, {name: "Title", title: "Title"}, {name: "DisplayTitle", title: "DisplayTitle"}, {name: "FinalTitle", title: "FinalTitle", canEdit: false}, {name: "Abbreviation", title: "Abbr"}, {name: "HDShow", title: "HD", type: "boolean"}, {name: "Active", title: "Active", type: "boolean"}, {name: "Abridged", title: "Abridged", type: "boolean"}, {name: "SlideImageUrl", title: "SlideImageUrl"}, {name: "ShowImageUrl", title: "ShowImageUrl"}, {name: "WebUrl", title: "WebUrl"}, {name: "SupplierID", title: "SupplierID", type: "int"}, {name: "GenreID", title: "GenreID", type: "int"}, {name: "NetworkID", title: "NetworkID", type: "int"}, {name: "Filecount", title: "Filecount", type: "int", canEdit: false} ], operationBindings:[ {operationType:"fetch",dataURL:"/admin/service/SmartClientGeneric.ashx"}, {operationType:"add",dataURL:"/admin/service/SmartClientGeneric.ashx"}, {operationType:"update",dataURL:"/admin/service/SmartClientGeneric.ashx"}, {operationType:"remove",dataURL:"/admin/service/SmartClientGeneric.ashx"} ], transformRequest: function (dsRequest) { if(dsRequest.operationType == "fetch") { if(["DivID"] == null ) {["DivID"] = 1; } } return this.Super("transformRequest", arguments); } }); var LGvuListShow = isc.ListGrid.create({ ID:"vuListShow", width: 800, height: 300, alternateRecordStyles:false, fields: [ {name: "ShowID", title: "ShowID", type: "int", hidden:true, primaryKey: true, canEdit: false}, {name: "DivID", title: "DivID", type: "int"}, {name: "ShowCategoryID", title: "ShowCategoryID", type: "integer", optionDataSource: DSShowCategory, valueField:"ShowCategoryID", displayField:"Title"}, {name: "Title", title:"Title"}, {name: "DisplayTitle", title: "DisplayTitle"}, {name: "FinalTitle", title: "FinalTitle", canEdit: false}, {name: "Abbreviation", title: "Abbr"}, {name: "HDShow", title: "HD", type: "boolean"}, {name: "Active", title: "Active", type: "boolean"}, {name: "Abridged", title: "Abridged", type: "boolean"}, {name: "SlideImageUrl", title: "SlideImageUrl"}, {name: "ShowImageUrl", title: "ShowImageUrl"}, {name: "WebUrl", title: "WebUrl"} ], dataSource: DSvuListShow, showFilterEditor: true, drawAheadRatio: 4, dataPageSize: 10, showPrompt: false, canEdit:true, autoFetchData: false }); var mainVLayout = isc.VLayout.create({autoDraw: false, width:"100%", height:"100%"}); mainVLayout.members = [ LGShowCat, LGvuListShow ]; mainVLayout.draw(); vuListShow.fetchData({});
Also, just so you know, if I set autoFetchDisplayMap: false on the field, everything loads fine except there's no values in the listgrid field.