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    Date Chooser with SmartClient skin

    Hi there,

    I downloaded your latest 8.3 nightly last night and we are trying to use the SmartClient skin. But, it looks like the DateChooser is not working correctly? The background is all blue and there is no change in styles when you hover over dates. I tried to see if this was happening in your Feature Explorer as well but it looks like you are no longer showing this skin in the Feature Explorer. Is it still being supported?

    We could take a look, but, you might be the only group still using this skin, and it will never receive the massive CSS3 mode upgrade that was applied to Enterprise, EnterpriseBlue and Graphite. Would you consider switching?


      Ok, we are working on swtiching to Graphite. We've got a few years worth of customizations to evaluate, port, or discard so I hope you can tolerate a few questions as we go. I'm about to fire off my first one in a separate thread.


        Just wanted to close this thread out by saying that we've been thrilled with the new css3 graphite skin. We put it into production about 2 weeks ago. It is amazing what a performance difference it makes to be using a modern skin. Our application is dramatically faster now and it has led to a noticeable increase in user interest and engagement. Thank you very much!


          Great to hear. 9.0 has yet more improvements in this area - we've eliminated most of the remaining images that could be eliminated, and combined the rest into single-file "CSS sprites".

