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    Debugging SmartClient?

    I wanted to debug SmartClient. I found some information in the SmartClient Reference. It says, "The Developer Console can be opened by calling isc.showConsole() on any page in which SmartClient has been loaded." I tried this, but it didn't work. On different browsers, it seems to have different effects. On Firefox, it opened a Google window search for isc.showConsole(). Any help on opening the Developer Console?

    Sounds like you typed that into a URL bar? It's JavaScript code to execute. You can execute it from the URL bar by prefixing it with "javascript:" or you can use your browser's built-in developer tools.


      I added javascript, but that didn't help. javascript:isc.showConsole()


        Yes, that's correct, and definitely works. You can even do it in our online Showcase.


          That method didn't work for me either. What I ended up doing is putting that line of code, isc.showConsole(); in the entry to my application (in my case, index.js), and the console popped up when I launched my application. I'm guessing it depends on how your environment is set up. Mine is a bit strange right now since I am working from home, but doing that launched the developer console for me.


            JavaScript URLs are a standard feature of browsers, and they work in every browser we've ever tested, and they are required for the common use of "bookmarklets".

            Best guess: someone may have installed some kind of security patch to your system to turn off this standard browser feature.

