Please try the following code in the latest Feature Explorer in the latest Chrome version:
- The grid with showFilterEditor set to true is initially hidden. The form is visible and has canEdit set to true.
- Click the "Make Read-only" button to set canEdit to false on the form.
- Click the "Show Grid" button to show the grid.
- The grid does not show and a JavaScript error is logged to the Console:
Browsers: Chrome 84 and IE 11
SmartClient versions: 11.1 and 12.1
(We use Chrome and SmartClient v11.1p_2020-05-30/PowerEdition in our production code.)
- The grid with showFilterEditor set to true is initially hidden. The form is visible and has canEdit set to true.
- Click the "Make Read-only" button to set canEdit to false on the form.
- Click the "Show Grid" button to show the grid.
- The grid does not show and a JavaScript error is logged to the Console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'tabIndexUpdatedCallback' of undefined
isc.ListGrid.create({ ID: "countryListGrid", width:500, height: 150, alternateRecordStyles:true, dataSource: countryDS, fields: [ { name: "countryName" }, { name: "continent" }, { name: "capital" }, { name: "countryCode" } ], showFilterEditor: true, filterOnKeypress: false, autoFetchData: true, visibility: "hidden" }); isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "testForm", width: 10, canEdit: true, canFocus: false, numCols: 2, colWidths: [ 5, 5 ], fields: [ { name: "logoFileButton", type: "file", accept: ".png", showFocused: false, title: "File" } ] }); isc.Button.create({ ID: "disableFormButton", title: "Make Read-only", click: function() { testForm.setCanEdit(false); } }); isc.Button.create({ ID: "showGridButton", title: "Show Grid", click: function() {; } }); isc.HLayout.create({ ID: "buttonLayout", layoutMargin:5, membersMargin: 10, members: [ disableFormButton, showGridButton ] }); isc.VLayout.create({ ID: "contentLayout", members: [ buttonLayout, countryListGrid, testForm ] });
SmartClient versions: 11.1 and 12.1
(We use Chrome and SmartClient v11.1p_2020-05-30/PowerEdition in our production code.)