Hi Isomorphic,

it seems that regardless of the used locale, entry of dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD is supported. This is good. But the entries in this format are somehow handled differently. See the MiniDateRangeItem (affects all DateItem, I think, not related to MiniDateRangeItem) here (v12.0p_2020-08-24) and the screenshot.
  • YYYY-MM-DD is working in the end, but not successfully parsed when entering (not good).
  • YY-M-D, YYYY-M-D, YYYYMMDD etc don't work, but I don't care for it. If someone uses the ISO format and not the local one, I think it will always be YYYY-MM-DD, although you could also support YYYYMMDD if you wanted to.

Click image for larger version

Name:	DateItem ISO Date.png
Views:	113
Size:	39.5 KB
ID:	263456

This is very minor for me, I just noticed it.

Best regards