Hello, I'm trying to update an application from
SmartClient Enterprise v121d_2019-11-11
SmartClient Enterprise v121p_2020-09-18
but I've got an issue, where in a DMI I have an insert, and then I need the pk of the inserted record, with the more recent build I see in the logs:
so I get a null for the pk, while with the older version, I get correctly the primary key:
the only difference between those logs is the SmartClient version. The database is Oracle 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit, driver ojdbc8, the primary key is defined as:
SmartClient Enterprise v121d_2019-11-11
SmartClient Enterprise v121p_2020-09-18
but I've got an issue, where in a DMI I have an insert, and then I need the pk of the inserted record, with the more recent build I see in the logs:
2020-09-22T17:12:05,573 DEBUG SQLDataSource Setting DSRequest as being part of a transaction 2020-09-22T17:12:05,573 INFO SQLDriver Executing SQL query on 'DBJOFC' using connection '1081512651': INSERT INTO DBJOFC.JOFC_ISCRIZIONE_SOCIO (CREATOR, CREATOR_TIMESTAMP, ID_CLUB_FK, ID_SOCIO_ELIMINATO_ABBONAMENTO, ID_SOCIO_FK, ID_STAGIONE_ISCRIZIONE_FK, IS_ABBONATO_BY_ANAG_ELIMINATA, MODIFIER, MODIFIER_TIMESTAMP, VALORE_QUOTA, ID_REC) VALUES ('foo.bar@fastwebnet.it', TO_DATE('2020-09-22 17:12:05','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), 33122, NULL, 206576, 7158318, 'F', 'foo.bar@fastwebnet.it', TO_DATE('2020-09-22 17:12:05','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), 18.0, DBJOFC.SEQUENCE_ID_JOFC.NextVal) 2020-09-22T17:12:05,651 DEBUG SQLDriver SequenceMode is not JDBC_DRIVER, skipping search for generated values 2020-09-22T17:12:05,653 INFO SQLDataSource primaryKeys: {} 2020-09-22T17:12:05,653 DEBUG SQLDataSource Gathered all keys. lastPrimaryKeys is now {} 2020-09-22T17:12:05,653 DEBUG SQLDataSource add operation affected 1 rows 2020-09-22T17:12:05,653 INFO SQLDataSource DBJOFC getLastRow(): using default operationBinding 2020-09-22T17:12:05,654 DEBUG DSRequest Constructing DSRequest 1032630243 2020-09-22T17:12:05,655 INFO DSRequest Executing JOFC_ISCRIZIONE_SOCIO.fetch rows: 0->-1 with criteria: {}
2020-09-22T17:20:55,994 DEBUG SQLDataSource Setting DSRequest as being part of a transaction 2020-09-22T17:20:55,994 INFO SQLDriver Executing SQL query on 'DBJOFC'' using connection '2038309425': INSERT INTO DBJOFC.JOFC_ISCRIZIONE_SOCIO (CREATOR, CREATOR_TIMESTAMP, ID_CLUB_FK, ID_SOCIO_ELIMINATO_ABBONAMENTO, ID_SOCIO_FK, ID_STAGIONE_ISCRIZIONE_FK, IS_ABBONATO_BY_ANAG_ELIMINATA, MODIFIER, MODIFIER_TIMESTAMP, VALORE_QUOTA, ID_REC) VALUES ('foo.bar@fastwebnet.it', TO_DATE('2020-09-22 17:20:55','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), 33122, NULL, 206576, 7158318, 'F', 'foo.bar@fastwebnet.it', TO_DATE('2020-09-22 17:20:55','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), 18.0, DBJOFC.SEQUENCE_ID_JOFC.NextVal) 2020-09-22T17:20:56,220 DEBUG SQLDriver SequenceMode is not JDBC_DRIVER, skipping search for generated values 2020-09-22T17:20:56,221 DEBUG SQLDataSource Setting DSRequest as being part of a transaction 2020-09-22T17:20:56,221 INFO SQLDriver Executing SQL query on 'DBJOFC'' using connection '2038309425': SELECT DBJOFC.SEQUENCE_ID_JOFC.CurrVal FROM DUAL 2020-09-22T17:20:56,419 INFO SQLDataSource primaryKeys: {ID_REC=1155782} 2020-09-22T17:20:56,419 DEBUG SQLDataSource Gathered all keys. lastPrimaryKeys is now {ID_REC=1155782} 2020-09-22T17:20:56,419 DEBUG SQLDataSource add operation affected 1 rows 2020-09-22T17:20:56,419 INFO SQLDataSource DBJOFC getLastRow(): using default operationBinding
<field sqlType="decimal" primaryKey="true" name="ID_REC" type="sequence" hidden="true"> <sequenceName>SEQUENCE_ID_JOFC</sequenceName> </field>