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    Microservices implemented using SmartClient

    Hello, I just want to ask if someone is using or is considering using SmartClient to develop Microservices.

    It's pretty easy to do, since you can split things on DataSource boundaries and wire it up fairly quickly, but be careful with microservices - it makes hard things easy, and easy things hard.

    Microservices solves the problem of tremendous scalability, and allowing hundreds of developers to coordinate together to build a massive application, without requiring synchronized deploys of everyone's work.

    At the same time, it can make simple things, like the equivalent of a SQL "join" between two services, into a hard problem where people write long articles about different approaches and their strengths and weaknesses.

    If you have hundreds of developers, and tremendous scale, microservices is the way to go - it's basically the only architecture that will work in that circumstance.

    If you don't have that situation, then you, at most, may want very very coarse-grained services, that is, there should still be a single "microservice" for access to all of your SQL entities, so you don't turn a simple join into a research problem. But certain other things, like authentication, workflow, mailing, analytics, etc, may make sense as separate services.

