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    FacetChart - Simple chart by using Data Source to pass data

    I have just started using Simple chart in our application. We are using dbml - C# - Data Source in our web application. For instance the way we are passing data to a page is in the attached file (Please see the attached files). I see some examples in the demo in which how simple chart data has been used which looks like below. So my question is how I should use our data source to work with FacetChart dynamically with our application please?

    var chartData = [
    {region: "West", product: "Cars", sales: 37},
    {region: "East", product: "Motorcycles", sales: 23},
    {region: "South", product: "Motorcycles", sales: 45}
    Click image for larger version

Name:	dataSource1.PNG
Views:	95
Size:	20.1 KB
ID:	264161Click image for larger version

Name:	dataSource2.PNG
Views:	67
Size:	20.5 KB
ID:	264163Click image for larger version

Name:	dataSource3.PNG
Views:	84
Size:	10.4 KB
ID:	264162

    It's not really clear what you're asking, so, here are the Chart samples:

    There are samples of charting from data expressed inline, charting from data in a grid, and charting based on data returned from a DataSource.

