Hi Isomorphic,
I checked your latest build (SNAPSHOT_v13.0d_2021-01-21) and you seem to have a bug in getPageRectIncludingTitle function in FormItem.js
When the titleOrientation="top", the value of top should be reduced by titleHeight value
*moreover, this.titleOrientation == "left" appears twice in the condition
Currently, the returned rectangle is lower than expected.
I checked your latest build (SNAPSHOT_v13.0d_2021-01-21) and you seem to have a bug in getPageRectIncludingTitle function in FormItem.js
When the titleOrientation="top", the value of top should be reduced by titleHeight value
*moreover, this.titleOrientation == "left" appears twice in the condition
Currently, the returned rectangle is lower than expected.
getPageRectIncludingTitle : function () { var left = this.getPageLeft(), top = this.getPageTop(), width = this.getVisibleWidth(), height = this.getVisibleHeight(); if (this.showTitle) { var titleLeft = this.getTitlePageLeft(), titleTop = this.getTitlePageTop(), titleWidth = this.getVisibleTitleWidth(), titleHeight = this.form.getTitleHeight(this); if (this.titleOrientation == "left" || this.titleOrientation == "left" || this.titleOrientation == null) { left = left < titleLeft ? left : titleLeft; width += titleWidth; } else { left = left < titleLeft ? left : titleLeft; width = width > titleWidth ? width : titleWidth; if (isc.isA.Number(titleHeight)) height += titleHeight; } } return [left, top, width, height]; }