we've tested the new features of our sponsorship for the timeline and except for one feature they work just fine.
When the getDateCSSText method is called, the wrong "date" parameter are given.
I think it's shifted by one column of the timeline, so that the lanefield column get's the first visible date and the last date column get's "null".
I'm using the smartclient version "v9.0d_2013-06-12"
Regards Marcus
Last edited by MarcusZ; 13 Jun 2013, 04:27.
Reason: just added some text
i've got another requirement for the timeline. we'd like to catch each click on a label column cell of the timeline.
Is there any way to achieve this? Or is this feature planned anytime soon?
i've got a few more improvements for the timeline.
- It would be nice if it's possible to change the background color for the weekend, like it's already possible for the current day.
It looks like this feature request was implemented but I can't seem to find it in SmartGWT.
Is it refering to disabled weekends being styled different or has this just not been exposed to SmartGWT?
I am interested in having the weekend background color changed even though the weekends are not disabled.
In version 5.1 and later, you can install a DateStyleCustomizer, which can show any date in a given CSS style, or DateCSSTextCustomizer, which can inject a string of CSS text.