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    Loading the showcase in 12.0/12.1/13.0 fails in Firefox 85.0.2 Mobile mode

    Hi Isomorphic,

    please open this showcase sample (current nightly in Firefox 85.0.2/Win10), and then open Browser F12 tools and switch to mobile mode.
    The design is not adjusted then (expected), to adjust this you need to reload (expected).
    If you do so in one of the iOS or Kindle emulation modes, the page stays empty and there are no messages at all in the Browser console or Developer Console. It works in the "Galaxy S9/S9+" mode, though.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Empty page.PNG
Views:	142
Size:	66.8 KB
ID:	264709
    Best regards

    This appears to be some kind of problem with Firefox's attempt to simulate these device environments, as the framework is working fine in actual devices and in real emulators (eg MacOS XCode).

    We'll eventually get around to taking a look just because we don't want other people reporting this, but it's not a bug.


      Hi Isomorphic,

      I just noticed that this is still happening using v12.1p_2022-06-18 / v13.0p_2022-06-17 and FF 101.0.1 / Win10.

      Best regards


        Showcase loading should be addressed now, but the way that the navigator object identifies itself (via various properties) for a "simulated" device differs from that on the real device, so we can't guarantee the desired behavior in all cases.


          Hi Isomorphic,

          loading the 12.0p/12.1p/13.0p/13.1d showcase in "iPhone SE 2nd gen iOS 14.6" and "iPhone 12/13 + Pro iOS 14.6" modes is working now for me, thanks.

          Best regards

