I can't find it in the docs, so I am not sure if this is inteded behaviour. It works that way in showcase.
If you create SimpleType "price" and FormItem subclass "PriceItem", "PriceItem" is used as default control even if editorType is not set for new SimpleType.
If this is intended, please update docs at https://www.smartclient.com/smartcli.....FormItemType about details how the correct FormItem is selected.
Also for "float" and "integer" this page in docs says that it will be the same as text while in fact it will be "FloatItem" and "TextItem".
Best regards,
I can't find it in the docs, so I am not sure if this is inteded behaviour. It works that way in showcase.
If you create SimpleType "price" and FormItem subclass "PriceItem", "PriceItem" is used as default control even if editorType is not set for new SimpleType.
isc.SimpleType.create({ name: "price", inheritsFrom: "float", }); isc.defineClass("PriceItem", "StaticTextItem") .addProperties({ formatValue: function(value, record, form, item) { return 'I am a PriceItem!'; } }); isc.DynamicForm.create({ ID: "form1", width: 620, colWidths: [190, "*"], fields: [ {name: "Price", type: "price"}, ], });
Also for "float" and "integer" this page in docs says that it will be the same as text while in fact it will be "FloatItem" and "TextItem".
Best regards,