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    extra stylesheet for PDF export with images

    I am setting extraStyleSheet in Some of the styles use background images. Following the instructions on, I have put the images used by the extra stylesheet under a subdirectory called 'images' under the folder where my extra stylesheet is located.

    However, I would rather not duplicate the images used by the CSS by both the web and PDF export. Reading the PDFExport docs, it says:
    Or, when these images are in a different folder other than the extra stylesheet:
    - myCustomImages/48x48/picture1.png (The myCustomImages/ folder must be placed under webroot)
    This method doesn't seem to work. Going with a simple test case I created in the smartClientSDK folder, I have a directory 'smartClientSDK/customImages' and put my images in there. In my, I have skin.Enterprise.extraStyleSheet: dirSkins/mySkins/myStyleSheet.css and in the CSS, the image is being referred as follows: background-image: url('customImages/myPicture.png');
    However, the alternate path under the webroot is not recognized. Am I doing something wrong here?

    When I copied the images under dirSkins/mySkins/images itself and changed the CSS to have: background-image: url('images/myPicture.png'), it works, but I would rather not duplicate the images as explained above, just for exporting to PDF.

    I am using v8.3p_2013-03-13/Pro Development (built 2013-03-13).