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    A issue that when you enter the "surrogate pair" character and save.

    I am use SmartGWT 12.1p(2021/4/8).

    I was able to confirm that the RPC request thrown on the client side contained "surrogate pair" characters such as '𠀋' add save it.

    I looked at the request in the SmartGWT console:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	DSRequest.PNG
Views:	142
Size:	11.6 KB
ID:	265508

    If I click on the "Raw Request" tab to see what it looks like as sent over to the server, is empty in the raw request.

    I can also confirm in

    Hello ekaku,

    We have many applications deployed to locations with multibyte character sets.

    If you are having trouble, please take a look at the Internationalization topic in the SmartGWT Reference and follow the instructions there.

    If you think there is an issue, we will need a detailed explanation of where you think the character encoding is going wrong, and why.



      Hi Isomorphic:
      Thank you for your info.

      I think this is a issue,
      Because it is work in Smartgwt5.1.
      When I upgrade to SmartGWT 12.1p(2021/4/8).
      It's save to Blank.
      The same issue can be confirmed in showcase.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	befroe.PNG
Views:	119
Size:	41.7 KB
ID:	265511
      Click image for larger version

Name:	after.PNG
Views:	103
Size:	25.6 KB
ID:	265512


        Please see previous response. The Showcase is not a demonstration of multibyte character support.

        If you are experiencing this issue in an actual application environment, and you think you have followed all of the instructions in the Internationalization topic perfectly, and you believe our framework is doing something wrong with regard to character encoding, then please let us know specifically in what step you perceive a flaw.

        If this isn't clear and you need help, please engage our consulting services and we can troubleshoot your deployment with you.


          >If you are having trouble, please take a look at the Internationalization topic in the SmartGWT Reference and follow the instructions there.

          I check here and confirm I used this.
          Or using Java Servlet APIs in a Servlet as follows:
          response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");

          >If you think there is an issue, we will need a detailed explanation of where you think the character encoding is going wrong, and why.
          In client side
          I use SuperDevMode and You can see that there is '𠀋' by the time you run "callBack.execute".

          Click image for larger version  Name:	1.PNG Views:	0 Size:	48.4 KB ID:	265548
          You can see is blank in "Raw Request" tab Console
          Click image for larger version  Name:	3.PNG Views:	0 Size:	26.5 KB ID:	265550

          In Servlet side
          This blank in here.
          Click image for larger version  Name:	5.PNG Views:	0 Size:	18.1 KB ID:	265551

          Attached Files


            Hi Isomorphic:
            Do you have an update?

            Thank you.


              No. You don't appear to have purchased Support, so your issue is queued behind lots of others.

              Let us know if in fact your account should be marked as having support.


                In the more recent SmartClient releases, surrogate characters were getting removed by our Framework during the XML serialization process because they are explicitly prohibited in XML by the XML specification. However, it appears that in modern browsers and 3rd party XML libraries, allowing that range through doesn't cause any issues, presumably because surrogates are in such cases automatically translated to the range 0x10000-0x10FFFF (in UTF-16) , which is legal in XML.

                So, we've made a change to allow these characters in XML again, which should avoid the issue you report. The latest nighlty builds should have the fix.


                  Hi Isomorphic:
                  I was able to confirm that it would be resolved. Thank you for your response.

