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    13.0: no more visualBuilder included in SDK ?

    SmartClient Version: SNAPSHOT_v13.0d_2021-06-02/Enterprise Development Only (built 2021-06-02)

    Hello, I just noticed that the visualBuilder seems not present in the 13.0 SDK. Is this the case?

    That's correct. As a screen builder, Visual Builder has been completely superseded by Reify. All other tools that were accessible via Visual Builder are separately accessible (eg, the Mockup Importer is separate, there are various SQL-related tools in the Admin Console).


      Ok, I would also try Reify online. I was going to try the visualBuilder with my dataSources (backed up by our db), but with Reify I can't import my dataSources. So in this scenario which is the suggested approach to start? Have I to add my dataSources by typing every field in the DataSource Editor?


        Please read the Reify for Developers overview.

        In a nutshell, there is now a tool in the Developer Console which will pull a connected set of DataSources from your app, including sample data for use in Reify, into a single file that you can import into Reify (one step). So then you have your full set of DataSources in Reify and can start designing.

        Then screens you build in Reify can be loaded into your app, and the loaded screens will automatically use the real DataSources.

        You can even load the screens live from with a single method call: isc.Reify.loadProject().


          Thanks, I've been able to import my dataSources. I'm also exploring the possibility to deploy, but when I try to visit it I get an error which I don't understand:

          Unable to load DataSource referenced by loadID: Payment
          java.lang.Exception: Unable to load DataSource referenced by loadID: Payment at com.isomorphic.datasource.DataSource._recordsFromLoadID(
          but I've actually removed Payment and the others sample dataSources as I don't use them. Why is it trying to load them?

