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    CanvasItem default value

    I've created a custom form item using CanvasItem. If I give it a defaultValue, how can I make sure that a call to the form's getValues() already includes that item's default value?

    We're not really clear on the question. Please see the CanvasItem docs. If shouldSaveValue is set, and if you set a defaultValue, you should expect a showValue() call on initialization. There is nothing that you need to do to cause the value to be included in getValues().


      I try to explain briefly:

      I've created a MenuButton as CanvasItem (like the "Font" en "Size" dropdowns in this editor). It's menu contains one embedded component, being a DynamicForm with several check boxes. The menu button itself has name "others". Using "shouldSaveValue" causes a nested value like "others": { "check1": false, "check2": true }.

      Maybe this approach is not the best, so any ideas are appreciated.


        Basically, the problem I'm facing is a filter form with very limited horizontal space. I want to show the most prominent filters as separate fields and the check boxes in a drop down (or something similar). All fields should merge their values as one JSON object (without nested attributes).


          OK, so the CanvasItem APIs work for this and one of the two CanvasItem samples in fact features a whole nested grid that produces a multiple value.


            I'll try something else, using shouldSaveValue sets the initial value, but as nested attribute. Thus the CanvasItem is named "others", with its "defaultValue" set to { "check1": false, "check2": true }. This is not what I want, but never mind.

