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    ListGrid in readonly CanvasItem - Scrollbar is disabled


    I have created a CanvasItem that renders a ListGrid.
    When the form is in readonly mode (canEdit: false), the scrollbar is disabled but the user can scroll the list with the mouse wheel.

    It seems like a wrong behavior.

    See attached example.

    Attached Files

    Hi Michael
    Thanks for the test case. Events, including mouseWheel scrolling, shouldn't be being sent to disabled widgets, such as the ListGrid body in this case, at all.
    We've now made a change to address this. Please try the next nightly build dated March 23 or above

    Isomorphic Software


      So, in case the grid needs to be scrolled there is no way to do it now. How can I display a long list of items in read only mode?
      Also the view of the scrollbar is strange.


        The framework doesn't really know how your editor works (it could be any widget), so it can't automatically put it into a readOnly mode, and just disabling it is the best default.

        If that's not correct and want to provide something like a scrollable list where you have turned off editing behaviors via custom code (eg, your event handlers don't take action), then you should avoid using the canEdit setting with this widget, and manage its read-only state using a variable of your own.

